For those of you trying to win your way to Vegas this summer, I've written a travel guide to the city.
You can read my latest blog HERE.
Meanwhile, are you ready for a double dose of Hartigan? Well, after my unspectacular performance in a trio of tournaments yesterday, I'm back on PTP duties tonight - and plan to play some No Limit Hold'em cash.
I'll start the evening by buying in for £20 at a 10p/20p table. If I get my stack up to £30, I'll move up to 15p/30p. If I chip up to £50, I'll progress to 25p/50p. So on and so forth...
Look forward to seeing you in the 10p/20p game (realistically, I expect to be there for some time).
Oh, and I may play the TSP Classic at 9pm. Stand by for an official announcement!
Good luck, i'm off out to watch my football team lose.