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whats the big deal with AK

delaney09delaney09 Member Posts: 1,145
edited April 2011 in Poker Chat
says it in the title why time after time with X amount of chips simply choose to shove with AK i perosnally don't understand why it is classed as such a big hand.

Edited OP: made me come across like a complete tool i was really just looking for why people seem to play it so big and why it is classed as such a big hand, seeing as it is simply 1 A and 1 K nothing other than that ?


  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited April 2011
    coz it is !!! :)
  • loonytoonsloonytoons Member Posts: 4,270
    edited April 2011
    In Response to whats the big deal with AK:
    says it in the title why time after time with 25-30bb behind them do people just shove with AK like its a monster
    Posted by delaney09
     I'd shove with 100 wiiiiiii.
  • delaney09delaney09 Member Posts: 1,145
    edited April 2011
    lol ahh im on life tilt i just had AA in the open win the hand im on about 8k and probably cruise in to the cash.... blinds were 75/150 guy UTG limps im UTG+1 i raise to 750 guy on the btn insta jams something like 3500 i have 4500 so it folds all round to me he has AK i put it into a hold'em calculator with the suits and every it comes out that im a 92.34% favourite pre and on the flop still an 82% favourite lol

    typing everything into the calculator has tilted me even more then the hand it self.. i have no idea what my raise pre says to him must think i have 23o or something
  • J-HartiganJ-Hartigan Member Posts: 2,756
    edited April 2011
    In Response to Re: whats the big deal with AK:
    In Response to whats the big deal with AK :  I'd shove with 100 wiiiiiii.
    Posted by loonytoons
    lol - can't argue with that!

    Certainly, if you're playing <50bbs, you should always be prepared to put all your chips across the line with AK.
  • J-HartiganJ-Hartigan Member Posts: 2,756
    edited April 2011
    In Response to Re: whats the big deal with AK:
    lol ahh im on life tilt i just had AA in the open win the hand im on about 8k and probably cruise in to the cash.... blinds were 75/150 guy UTG limps im UTG+1 i raise to 750 guy on the btn insta jams something like 3500 i have 4500 so it folds all round to me he has AK i put it into a hold'em calculator with the suits and every it comes out that im a 92.34% favourite pre and on the flop still an 82% favourite lol typing everything into the calculator has tilted me even more then the hand it self.. i have no idea what my raise pre says to him must think i have 23o or something
    Posted by delaney09
    He doesn't know you have AA!!!  Against your range, AK plays very well and has solid equity.

  • ybyb Member Posts: 1,471
    edited April 2011
    the button played it fine.

    AK is huuuuuge
  • MAXALLYMAXALLY Member Posts: 17,650
    edited April 2011
    Del.....there is a small thread on AK...


    Enjoy :)

    *edit....just seen who  the last poster in the thread was :)))
  • delaney09delaney09 Member Posts: 1,145
    edited April 2011
    ty alan i'll have a read now

    was really just looking to why AK must always equal a shove or re raise no matter how many chips because after all it is nothing but 2 high cards why is it classed as such a big hand ?
  • J-HartiganJ-Hartigan Member Posts: 2,756
    edited April 2011
    In Response to Re: whats the big deal with AK:
    ty alan i'll have a read now was really just looking to why AK must always equal a shove or re raise no matter how many chips because after all it is nothing but 2 high cards why is it classed as such a big hand ?
    Posted by delaney09
    What hands are you raising with UTG+1?  88+?  ATs+?  KQs?  Maybe JTs?

    So, how does AK play against that range?

    Hold'em Simulation ? 
    2,410,924,032 trials (Exhaustive)
    88-AA, AT-AK, JTs, KQs43.25%901,368,688282,858,660
    When you factor in fold equity, AK becomes an even stronger favourite!

  • AcidMan27AcidMan27 Member Posts: 3,752
    edited April 2011

    If you know you're up against A/A or K/K then you'd think twice about shoving. Seeing as you don't know then you should be getting it all in.
  • MP33MP33 Member Posts: 6,308
    edited April 2011
    plus its harder to play if your  raising as when you miss on flop ( esp low flops)  , which you normaly will  your opponent could easily put you on AK, AQ  and shove on you
  • TWRAMYEPTWRAMYEP Member Posts: 351
    edited April 2011
    give me AK every hand in a vacuum and Id be a millionare in a day or two.
  • ybyb Member Posts: 1,471
    edited April 2011
    in fact in James' example AK is an even bigger favourite even without accounting for fold equity because of the card removal effect.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,187
    edited April 2011

    If you can force the Villain to fold 50% of the time by jamming with A-K - & Villain will fold a lot of hands, almost all hands from 9-9 down (stack dependant) - then the odds for A-K to win become about 75%.

    What's not to like?

    A pig of a hand early doors in Tourneys, but late on, it's a beaut, because it is the easiest hand in poker to play.
  • ybyb Member Posts: 1,471
    edited April 2011
    In Response to Re: whats the big deal with AK:
    If you can force the Villain to fold 50% of the time by jamming with A-K - & Villain will fold a lot of hands, almost all hands from 9-9 down (stack dependant) - then the odds for A-K to win become about 75%. What's not to like? A pig of a hand early doors in Tourneys, but late on, it's a beaut, because it is the easiest hand in poker to play.
    Posted by Tikay10
    AK is great whenever you get it imo.
  • dtm75dtm75 Member Posts: 263
    edited April 2011
    Quick related question...


    Nr MTT Main Event bubble, sat with AK in the BB (with 22BB) and small stack shoves from early position (10BB), big stack (50BBish) smooths from the button (does this imply massive massive strength KK or AA) trying to draw in either of the blinds...i.e. me?

    No real table dynamics, been on table for less than one orbit.

    Is this an insta all-in over the top?
  • billybootsbillyboots Member Posts: 1,197
    edited April 2011
    In Response to Re: whats the big deal with AK:
    Quick related question... Scenario Nr MTT Main Event bubble, sat with AK in the BB (with 22BB) and small stack shoves from early position (10BB), big stack (50BBish) smooths from the button (does this imply massive massive strength KK or AA) trying to draw in either of the blinds...i.e. me? No real table dynamics, been on table for less than one orbit. Is this an insta all-in over the top?
    Posted by dtm75
    I defo would do.............depends if you want to take the tourny down or just cash........if you win the hand there n then, you will be chip leader and massive fav............but I understand / sympathise with the dilemma and not always that easy to make that kind of call in such a hugh event.....but yes , shove it all-in, imho .
  • delaney09delaney09 Member Posts: 1,145
    edited April 2011
    In Response to Re: whats the big deal with AK:
    Quick related question... Scenario Nr MTT Main Event bubble, sat with AK in the BB (with 22BB) and small stack shoves from early position (10BB), big stack (50BBish) smooths from the button (does this imply massive massive strength KK or AA) trying to draw in either of the blinds...i.e. me? No real table dynamics, been on table for less than one orbit. Is this an insta all-in over the top?
    Posted by dtm75
    I'd fold cause if the guy whos flatted the 10bb is definitely in most positions going to call the extra 12 bb's with any sort of pair definitely AA-KK if he has the blinds covered comfortably, maybe thats where i go wrong but the shove then the flat your going to be getting it in 3 ways and more than likely be being up against 2 pp's with which one could be AA then really your hoping for the miracle trip kings or a straight u can easily find a better position to get them in with instead of risking your tournament in a 3 way pot with just AK but thats my point of view... but thats because i dont have a high perspective of AK like most even if you hit top pair on an A810 flop you can still be a mile behind
  • billybootsbillyboots Member Posts: 1,197
    edited April 2011
    In Response to Re: whats the big deal with AK:
    In Response to Re: whats the big deal with AK : I'd fold cause if the guy whos flatted the 10bb is definitely in most positions going to call the extra 12 bb's with any sort of pair definitely AA-KK if he has the blinds covered comfortably, maybe thats where i go wrong but the shove then the flat your going to be getting it in 3 ways and more than likely be being up against 2 pp's with which one could be AA then really your hoping for the miracle trip kings or a straight u can easily find a better position to get them in with instead of risking your tournament in a 3 way pot with just AK but thats my point of view... but thats because i dont have a high perspective of AK like most even if you hit top pair on an A810 flop you can still be a mile behind
    Posted by delaney09
    My concern that as it's bubble time ie: v. deep into the's going to be a shove fest with ppl stealing blinds, and if you are going to be passive  and fold AK when you are the bb, will be seriously short stacked in no time. You need to bite the bullet and pray that it gets thru.
    Chances of getting another premium hand quickly enough for you to survive is a massive gamble imo,  so that's why i shove all-in now...........would love some other opinions on this :)
  • DAVEYZZDAVEYZZ Member Posts: 1,651
    edited April 2011
    In Response to Re: whats the big deal with AK:
    In Response to Re: whats the big deal with AK : lol - can't argue with that! Certainly, if you're playing <50bbs, you should always be prepared to put all your chips across the line with AK.
    Posted by J-Hartigan
    i agree,the thing that i cant understand is if you push for a semi bluff on a dry board with say,second pair and they call all their chips with ak because they think its the nuts....

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