Hows about a regular charity based tournament with 20% of the prizepool going to the charity of choice of the eventual winner.
It doesn't have to be big money, Say, £5.00+50 with £1 going to charity and the rest making up the prizepool. It would make everyone feel a bit better and earn a halo for the winner.
Sorry i put no, main arguement if % goes to charity then i wont win as much. Not against giving to charity FWIW and give when i can but dont think should be liniked to poker
GL anywway sir run good
been putting my input on most whether i think good or bad idea, im afraid to say urs is the latter but thats my opinion lol
lol its probably on about page 40 by now
but i like this idea giving to charity doesn't that give good Karma something i have zilch of lol