32 wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii A huge thanks to everyone that has voted so far, it would be really great to get some more people playing omaha and hi-lo. I agree about trying both but i think that getting to know one variantat a time might be a better introduction..maybe run hi-lo for 3 months, then introduce omaha...i think hi-lo first as it's fun but with more play because of the split pots ad pot limit... what do you think.. xx Posted by TRIP5
Hi Irene................i adore omaha pl (only been playing a short while), but only played Hi Lo once and that was by mistake and never realised it until half way thru as I was playing 2 tables at the time( I get tied up in knots when I do...lol)...........I, and I'm sure many others would dearly like to learn how to play Hi Lo without it costing us our br's, so vwd for pushing this to front of the suits and gl with your efforts. Ps: is Hi Lo more fun than standard Omaha? and I personally enjoy PL as opposed to NL but i'm not sure why lol Pps:.............could you also push to get the time bar extended a touch, so many variables to think of in such a weeee space of time.
We have been banging on for these freerolls for months, but nobody has listened.
Ps: is Hi Lo more fun than standard Omaha? and I personally enjoy PL as opposed to NL but i'm not sure why lol
Pps:.............could you also push to get the time bar extended a touch, so many variables to think of in such a weeee space of time.
we got one, we got one, we only flopping got one!!!!
10.30 tonight be there or be a pair ;o)
£200 guaranteed for freeeeeeee