A 1 hour tournament all players start with 5000 chips and 12 minute blinds as in the deepstack, and after an hour the game stops and the prizes are distributed as in the normal tournament payout structure as per finishing position, i reckon the last ten minutes would be great, as players vie for position, but have a 7 second clock to stop time wasting! Also this would be easy to implement.
EDIT :- Run it every night at 9pm, £2.20 and £100 guarantee to start, maybe tweak this as sky sees fit?
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I say that as I was going to post this idea up too.
Glad I checked to make sure somebody else hadn't already thought of it.
You have a 'Yes' from me...........but would like to know the reasons why 4 ppl have voted 'No'.
We all, at times find ourselves in need of a fix for a quickish game but not play cash ones and dym's are so long and boring most of the time.....this is a gr8 idea.
Wouldn't a finite timescale mean an utter shovefest in the last 10 minutes?
Scenario... you manage after 55 mins to climb to 3rd, with say a 1.5k chip lead over 4th. Anyone below 20th for example, in these last few minutes; probably 5 out of 6 on a table; will, almost guaranteed, be getting it all in with any hand from 78 sooted and above because they need to at least treble up to get a prize. It'll be like Russian roulette with a lot more players...
You (perhaps after playing tight aggro and picking spots for 5/6th of the tournament) will have gone from 3rd to 19th or something in 60 seconds, meaning, you need to at least double/treble up in the next 2 hands. Rinse repeat. Shove, call, call, shove, fold, call. Not sure how many players would be left after the hour. Which in itself leads to an interesting dynamic.
It would be mayhem and no doubt great fun. Not sure it would take off for any buy-in more than £5.50. though? The £2.20 suggested sounds bob on.
I like this one a lot , best suggestion I've seen so far, ideal for people who haven't got enough time to commit to a regular DS, I'd like to see these during the day too.
FAO; .... Loonytoons
As I said b4, I'm in favour of this idea but on reflection I have to agree with DTM on it being total carnage at the death esp if you too are many left in. Therefore, I would like to see it tweaked to allow the game to be less of a lottery towards the end of the game (by having less players involved in the carnage).
I suggest increasing the levels right down to say, every 2 or 3 mins. as opposed to 12mins.
My reasoning for this ?....is to allow players time to dodge bullets at the beginning but will still need to get busy early doors bcoz the blinds will soon come round thick and fast.
Hopefully this will see a higher percentage of the field being frozen out by the time the tournament ends and you may even get a proper conclusion to the game.
Your thoughts pls...........good or bad idea?, any further tweaking reqd or leave alone ?....... ty
Ps; This is still your baby Loony and I'm only trying to enhance it bcoz of the valid reasons DTM highlighted......Billy
Ps;.........if those who voted 'NO' are in favour of any amendments, are they able to retract their 'NO' vote ? just wondered
where is your 'wicked' side lol, its all about having fun for a low buy in with something different from the normal mundane tournies, lets give it a try, whats the most you can lose, £2.20?
Posted by loonytoons
Ok....I bow to your sense of adventure (just imagine how many extra runners you could get if you ran these all day at say £1 buy-in. this site would go through the roof in membership numbers, just look at how poular tonights freeroll is).
Posted by billyboots
This is worth thinking about, i was thinking £2.20 was cheap but some players would prefer the £1.10 cost i suppose, but thats sky decision
A good idea and gets my vote especially if it ran at a low buy-in.
you get a big yes from me sounds like a great idea a short tournament for a small buy in what can go wrong ?? NOTHING I HEAR << exactly