Hi All,
Primo number of runners has been 300 and 277 for the last 2 weeks (if I recall correctly). Imagine the slight short-fall because of Mother's day last Sunday combined with the South of France esque weather conditions...and thus, accordingly the guarantee is dropped. But, it's also the first time that I can think of where it hasn't been 300+
I understand completely the reason for it and it makes sound business sense.
However, just wondering if dropping the guarantee on the flagship Sunday tournament because of 1 week's shortfall is a bit of a hasty decision? Does the fact that the EPG/site advertises the show/tournament as 15k guaranteed makes this slightly bad PR??
Interestingly, the 23 shortfall would have cost, £1150 - would still, albeit marginally be covered by the rake.
...wouldn't it be prudent to give it one more week and see if the numbers recover? This, I believe is what happened (correctly) for the TSP Classic after a few weeks of low numbers due to Europa Champions' League.
How does community feel about reduced guarantees?
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The Guarantee on the PRIMO has been reduced to £12,500 from next Sunday, & it's unlikely to go back up to £15k until the Autumn.
It has missed it's Guarantee twice recently, & been right on the number several weeks recently, too,* & that's an inevitable consequence of the lighter nights after the clocks went forward last week.
There is a "season" for Online poker, & in the UK, it broadly coincides with the clocks going back in the Autumn, & forward in the Spring, so it lasts some 6 months. Once the lighter nights arrive, the traffic drops on all UK sites. I would not be surprised if some of the other Guarantees are lowered in coming weeks, trying to "hold" unsustainable Guarantees is like setting fire to £1 notes.
The decision to change it to £12.5k was only made yesterday, hence the EPG may not have been changed yet, but the EPG is not deemed to be an "offer" or "advertisement".
* - Last 7 renewals of the PRIMO have been......
These numbers will fall much further & faster once Easter & the Holiday Season arrives - it's absolutely inevitable.
Many thanks for the hasty and eloquent (as ever) response.