How do players play against really loose players? twice tonight in tournaments i raised with very good hands A 10 and 99 and got beat by J 10 both times,I raised it to 4 x the stake so thought that was correct but keep getting called by very mediocre hands. Im happy with my game but not happy with knowing if im raising correctly or not ,your advice would really help .x
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In general, against loose players, try to keep the pot small until you hit your hand. Then when you hit your hand. Bet Bet Bet.
seriously u apologised yet to him? u defo should was unwarranted attack and he does very well so get on his good side and he may give u some tips
I came across such a player the other night. He didn't seem to have a fold button so I decided to shove allin with A 10 off on the button. He called my 1700 chips with 4 2 off and the flop came 3 5 6. Turn was A and river a 10 just to rub salt in the wound. So I i know how you feel.