I had a eccentric physics teacher who used to sneak off to his cupboard for a fly cigarette midway thru the class. we knew it, he knew we knew, and didnt ever try to hide it.
One day we were in a different classroom, a chemistry class, and the aforementioned learned one went for his constitutional. seconds later, a big bang and he left the cupboard looking very guilty and literally ashen faced!! Never ever found out what he managed to ignite but we were never allowed to mention it.....
while on a break, the teacher i remember most is most is the one the pull me out off class room by hair, been bald since, but what was worse it was not me talking , i got the blame
Good show , again , Yawn , teachers ??? ummm got expeled , hate them , wouldnt let me play poker in the classroom. so thanks a million. And TK, why no answer to my PM ??
I remember an old French Teacher of mine. We spent around 3 years trying to work out if his ever still and always same length hair was a wig. We got our answer near Nice on a motorway as he decided to open the sunroof on a coach going 100MPH.
Good show , again , Yawn , teachers ??? ummm got expeled , hate them , wouldnt let me play poker in the classroom. so thanks a million. And TK, why no answer to my PM ?? Nige Posted by HAPPYNIGE4
Orf, you and I aren't all that different. I work with the very young and you work with the very old. We both have short hours but you probably earn a lot more!
I went to a similar school to Tikay - blackboard dusters frequently flew across the classroom, we stood to attention when the teacher came in, and if you talked in the class you got a 'clip around the earhole'.
My Brother had a teacher called 'dead eye', who only had one good eye. He used to remove his false eye and put it on his desk and used to say 'i've got my eye on you', when he turned to write on the blackboard.
I had forgotten all of this until you reminded me, by talking about teachers tonight. i need therapy now. lol.
Rich laughs at Tikay for suggesting wearing 3D glasses in every day life and then goes on to ask what next, "4D to introduce a time-element to reality"
That would be handy if there was a time-element in every day life!
I had a eccentric physics teacher who used to sneak off to his cupboard for a fly cigarette midway thru the class. we knew it, he knew we knew, and didnt ever try to hide it.
One day we were in a different classroom, a chemistry class, and the aforementioned learned one went for his constitutional. seconds later, a big bang and he left the cupboard looking very guilty and literally ashen faced!! Never ever found out what he managed to ignite but we were never allowed to mention it.....
Happy days.
I slightly overestimated the competitions popularity.
(the only other suggestions are too rude to be read out on tv)
"Hmmm, I don't recognise those Tikay?"
You are right Orf, great isnt it
I earned my holidays though!!
Orf, you and I aren't all that different. I work with the very young and you work with the very old.
We both have short hours but you probably earn a lot more!
Don't they still do that on Blue Peter too?
My Brother had a teacher called 'dead eye', who only had one good eye. He used to remove his false eye and put it on his desk and used to say 'i've got my eye on you', when he turned to write on the blackboard.
I had forgotten all of this until you reminded me, by talking about teachers tonight. i need therapy now. lol.
Deja Vu
As well as a pe teacher who liked short skirts.
That would be handy if there was a time-element in every day life!