I would like to the the return of the £55 Bounty Hunter, With daily sats to get into a weekly Sattilite to then get into main event, I think it would attract a nice field and would attrack alot of players. I think sky has grown alot in the last year or so, so field will fill up quick. it would be run every month, Mayb a week befor the Double stack is, as Eyes will be on that ME rather than this one if they were to be ran on same day or week( sattilites)
Blinds will be as follows
110.00 / 20.0012215.00 / 30.0012320.00 / 40.0012430.00 / 60.0012540.00 / 80.0012-5 Minutes Break-650.00 / 100.0012775.00 / 150.00128100.00 / 200.00129150.00 / 300.001210200.00 / 400.0012-5 Minutes Break-11300.00 / 600.001212400.00 / 800.001213500.00 / 1000.001214600.00 / 1200.001215800.00 / 1600.0012-5 Minutes Break-161000.00 / 2000.0012171500.00 / 3000.0012182000.00 / 4000.0012193000.00 / 6000.0012204000.00 / 8000.0012-5 Minutes Break-215000.00 / 10000.0012226000.00 / 12000.0012237000.00 / 14000.0012248000.00 / 16000.00122510000.00 / 20000.0012-5 Minutes Break-2615000.00 / 30000.00122720000.00 / 40000.00122825000.00 / 50000.00122930000.00 / 60000.00123040000.00 / 80000.0012-5 Minutes Break-3150000.00 / 100000.0012I know if this tounry started i would try and enter it. we could even do 15 min blinds. Even thought the nature of the Bounty Hunters are quiet fast.
Let me know what you think please as my first tounry idea wernt that good
Can people not say why they dont like it?