Cant play tomorrow too many kids being school holidays, but good to see a decent touney during the day, will this be a regular thing or a one off? Shaz xxx Posted by shazallin
Depends, Shaz, if it proves popular, we might do it weekly, twice weekly, or even daily, though we'd probably rotate the "Presenters/Analysts", so that all the 865 crew have a go at it, subject to availability.
We will almost certainly do it at least once more this week, for sure. Probably. It's an experiment, basically.
In short, if enough players play it, it might become daily, or every other day, if not, it'll go in the bin, with all my other "good" ideas......
We are really trying to change a lot of things. 865 has changed massively in the last 6 months, the Download has arrived, TSP has been much improved (imo), "Deep" Cash Tables have arrived, more Points for playing Main Events, the Tourney Structures right across the Lobby are all being examined with a view to seeing if they can be improved, da de da.
You'll see lots more ideas such as this one, some will flop, some will work.
It's like "a dripping tap soon fills a bath" thing. If we can improve just an itsy-bitsy bit every day, eventually the bath will overflow. Or something like that.
All sounds good just remember tho it is the easter holidays, so lots of daytime players will be busy with there kids the next couple of weeks, so if the number arent as high as you like dont give up on it straight away.
Oh btw Tikay, after your advice on Friday? night about my game, I have gone right back to basics. I had gone from £150 to £26 in the space of a couple of days but just plugged a couple of big holes in my game and have added over £100 this past two days. Cheers for that.
There is a post in poker clinic 'JJ OOP' that I would be keen to see your thoughts on if you have any time.
Don't give me bad advice for calling you old though lol, I was just kidding!
Oh btw Tikay, after your advice on Friday? night about my game, I have gone right back to basics. I had gone from £150 to £26 in the space of a couple of days but just plugged a couple of big holes in my game and have added over £100 this past two days. Cheers for that. There is a post in poker clinic 'JJ OOP' that I would be keen to see your thoughts on if you have any time. Don't give me bad advice for calling you old though lol, I was just kidding! Posted by MrWh1te
Delighted to hear that MrWh1te.
Just keep the discipline, & you'll be fine. We get into sloppy habits & think there is a quick route to profit, but there is not, & as soon as we forget, or neglect the basics, we will get punished for it. A downswing is not always a bad thing, it's like a reality check, it reminds us about variance, & luck, & it focuses our minds. Some people adjust accordingly, & fight back, because they have backbone & mettle, others rush over to Area 51 & claim that all of a sudden that the RNG is wrong, or has changed, or whatever, simply because they can't handle a bit of wind in their face. That's the RNG which was fine when they were winning, but now selectively picks on them. "Man up" springs to mind!
Well done you.
I'll try & take a look at that Thread when I get chance, but it won't be this morning I'm afraid, I have a "to-do" list as long as my arm.
Here's the structure.......
...and here are the currently registered players......
If we get, say, 20 ruunners @ £5 each, the Prize Pool wil be £200.
And don't forget - there is NO Reg Fee.
Players Registered: 2 / 1000
I'm heads up with mohican!
We will almost certainly do it at least once more this week, for sure. Probably. It's an experiment, basically.
In short, if enough players play it, it might become daily, or every other day, if not, it'll go in the bin, with all my other "good" ideas......
We are really trying to change a lot of things. 865 has changed massively in the last 6 months, the Download has arrived, TSP has been much improved (imo), "Deep" Cash Tables have arrived, more Points for playing Main Events, the Tourney Structures right across the Lobby are all being examined with a view to seeing if they can be improved, da de da.
You'll see lots more ideas such as this one, some will flop, some will work.
It's like "a dripping tap soon fills a bath" thing. If we can improve just an itsy-bitsy bit every day, eventually the bath will overflow. Or something like that.
How about doing 1 for the weekend for all us working ones?
I wont join now just incase I oversleep!
There is a post in poker clinic 'JJ OOP' that I would be keen to see your thoughts on if you have any time.
Don't give me bad advice for calling you old though lol, I was just kidding!
Just keep the discipline, & you'll be fine. We get into sloppy habits & think there is a quick route to profit, but there is not, & as soon as we forget, or neglect the basics, we will get punished for it. A downswing is not always a bad thing, it's like a reality check, it reminds us about variance, & luck, & it focuses our minds. Some people adjust accordingly, & fight back, because they have backbone & mettle, others rush over to Area 51 & claim that all of a sudden that the RNG is wrong, or has changed, or whatever, simply because they can't handle a bit of wind in their face. That's the RNG which was fine when they were winning, but now selectively picks on them. "Man up" springs to mind!
Well done you.
I'll try & take a look at that Thread when I get chance, but it won't be this morning I'm afraid, I have a "to-do" list as long as my arm.
Take care now.