i have registered direct into the semi as it was capped at 25 players yet there are still sats running and the semi has 25 players alreday as there are only 5 seats available
i am presuming there will be extra seats for ayone who qualifies tonight?
I am also now playing a satelite and i dont want to remove my name from the semi list incase I cant buy back in so hope if i qualify I can get my £24 back
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The 2 players who went through in my sat arn,t in the lobby for the semi so not sure whats going to happen to them
oh dear
guess they get their 24 quid back...
or unless they increase capacity
out 3rd hand with A J after hitting j j on flop and turn to a FH
will have to wait till next one
GL everyone left
glad you posted this m8 do you think i settled with wat i was offered to easy? cheers lads
Shame about spending so long on the phone (was a complicated query though as I,ve never noticed Sky make a mistake like that before and they wouldn,t have been aware of that w/o speaking to supervisors etc_I,ve only had to call them a cpl of times and have been satisfied with the outcome
Its a difficult one as you were playing for a seat in semi and then to be told you cant play in it is pretty bad ,
Its hard for me to say , but at least you got more than your money back but I can understand your frustration,
Personally I think they should have allowed 1 more seat ( creating 5 more places in that semi) as it was there mistake
Hopefully you can run deep tonight and it could be a blessing in disguise - GL with it
Ps - Not sure what happened to Bobbycat