Question for Richard, When you enter live tornements, is your aim to win ?, or to cash ? as Iam playing next week in Irish Open, I am feeling just to cash as a great result. Is that how you started? Nigel Posted by HAPPYNIGE4
The Sky Poker Relations Manager seems to have forgotten that he'd previously stated that only the Mastercash tables are affected by the 200 BB deep change. The Cash 300 tables remain 100 BB deep.
UNREAL...I flop a set of AAs....1 caller...flop is 7 9 A rainbow....I check, he bets pot....I go to push, but my flippin internet connection drops!!!!!! He had AK he said!!! Unreal!!!
2 hands later I get 5 7 in BB....flop is K 5 7....I bet it, 1 call....turn is 10.....He has 10s...NIGHT NIGHT!
You showed one of my hands tonight, im a newby. been on the site for 2 weeks. Can you give me a mention for winning £1'462 for winning the main event last night!!
The Sky Poker Relations Manager seems to have forgotten that he'd previously stated that only the Mastercash tables are affected by the 200 BB deep change. The Cash 300 tables remain 100 BB deep. See HERE . Posted by Machka
Well done good spot, get them told and TK , say it on Air !!!
Hi been playing on the site for a while now. First time ive posted.
Just watching the show tonight. With regards to Neil Channings exit hand. He pushed all in with kq. Would it not have been better putting a 3/4 x raise in and if he met resistance he clould have let it go? he still had 17 bigs. Bit risky maybe?
I decided I would introduce some of the mates to the joy that is Poker.
A few of them brought some mates along that i didn't know.
Two of these unknowns arrived after a few swift ones in the pub, more than a few actually
After about an hour of guys playing out of turn, stropps because they didn't take to well to losing on the river, explaining that they had lost a hand etc.... The two unknowns disappeared. After about 10 minutes I decided I would go and find them. It was pretty easy to find them, i just followed the trail of "Sick" out to my back garden. Upon discovery of the two degenerates I found them smoking a rather dodgy substance in my back garden.
I kicked them out and after cleaning up their mess I returned to the table. Needless to say I was less that pleased and berated the two "friends" that had brought them to my house.
I was so angry I decided that the "coaching" was over. I played the game properly and after a few hours I had cleaned them all out. They left in the wee small hours of the morning.
For the next 3 weeks my life was ****. The wives of the guys I had invited had been speaking to my Mrs. They thought it was not really on for me to invite their husbands to learn how to play Poker and take all their money
3 weeks of sleeping in the spare room..... not fun. Never had a home game again
James, was TommyD's home game nightmare from back when he was at University as I found that post of his. I assume he's not about tonight. Posted by Machka
It involved his girlfriend beating him heads up and his mates revelling in the moment!
Many thanks for showing my set of 5s getting busted by 10s on the river. It wasn't any better 2nd time round! It's a little like watching your team lose on Match of the Day, and you sort of hope that the 2 outer won't hit on the replay (like hoping the opposing striker will suddenly cramp on the replay). Went out the very next hand. Ho hum, out before the cash, but actually won £60, so not all bad.
as its my 24th birthday, please can you show me make a good call?
or is it a good call? hmmm i would love richard to analyse this pls...
HAND HISTORY- 361786767
thank you!
Who would you rather trust with your BR: Orf, Hartigan or TK?
machka, now you made TK throw his toys out of the pram!!
2 hands later I get 5 7 in BB....flop is K 5 7....I bet it, 1 call....turn is 10.....He has 10s...NIGHT NIGHT!
3 barrel bluff I think it was.
thanks! great show by the way!
Im nooooooot drunkkk ohnenst!
yes a 2 outer...
gg me!
gl all loving the show!
always seem to go card dead in these main event tounaments and then when i get something this happens
Hand History #361814551
Have a good show and GL to evryone left
Just watching the show tonight. With regards to Neil Channings exit hand. He pushed all in with kq. Would it not have been better putting a 3/4 x raise in and if he met resistance he clould have let it go? he still had 17 bigs. Bit risky maybe?