Job for tikay - Comedian - I actually laughed at one of his jokes tonight
trying to qualify for the Thursday BH - Can i ask sam if i should have followed up my initila re-raise with a bet as loooking back i gave him the chance to catch me up - How owuld he have played it?
Hand request Hand History #362845957
Ps - If he had shoved all in after my raise I would have folded but thats when i thought i was in front
In Response to Re: Sunday Night Live on 865 with Rich, Tikay and Sam Razavi ****official show thread**** : Is my hand request being shown 2nite or is the show not requesting these anymore or my posts by the the looks of it? Posted by MAXALLY
We do not show every single hand request we receive, but I can assure you that we do preview all of them in the gallery & select those we deem suitable or relevent to the show. I prefer to show hands where players are seeking advice. Do continue to send your hands in though Alan, and run better next time.
In Response to Re: Sunday Night Live on 865 with Rich, Tikay and Sam Razavi ****official show thread**** : Just looked at hand Nick - it's up next. Posted by Sky_Mandy
trying to qualify for the Thursday BH - Can i ask sam if i should have followed up my initila re-raise with a bet as loooking back i gave him the chance to catch me up - How owuld he have played it?
Hand request Hand History #362845957
Ps - If he had shoved all in after my raise I would have folded but thats when i thought i was in front
PS Congrats to Julian Thew who just won the DTD Monte carlo event.
tikays new job could be the grinch as he as all the qualifications
do you think that tikay was too scared to express the same man-love with ian fraser last week?