I think he's currently filming a reality TV show. 'Five go to South Africa' I believe with, amoung others, Christopher Biggins. Posted by TommyD
come on tommy your a teacher you may be on half term but thats no excuse for spelling mistakes 'among' lol god hopes your a maths teacher and not english lol
In Response to Re: Gidzo? : come on tommy your a teacher you may be on half term but thats no excuse for spelling mistakes 'among' lol god hopes your a maths teacher and not english lol Posted by delaney09
Darn it, I knew I should have hit spellcheck as I hit submit. Always get among wrong. Then again I have always (and will always) pronounce chimney as chimley. Such a better word anyway. And FYI, I am a Mathematics Teacher, and thank luck for that
In Response to Re: Gidzo? : Darn it, I knew I should have hit spellcheck as I hit submit. Always get among wrong. Then again I have always (and will always) pronounce chimney as chimley. Such a better word anyway. And FYI, I am a Mathematics Teacher, and thank luck for that Posted by TommyD
lol i think i have the qualifications for the wrong job sector s crew accounting im becoming a psychic
In Response to Re: Gidzo? : Darn it, I knew I should have hit spellcheck as I hit submit. Always get among wrong. Then again I have always (and will always) pronounce chimney as chimley. Such a better word anyway. And FYI, I am a Mathematics Teacher, and thank luck for that Posted by TommyD
In Response to Re: Gidzo? : whats a chimney? Posted by N1CK
Wiki description below. By the way, it's what's, not whats. If I'm getting needled for bad English I'm going to spread it about it bit
Achimneyis a structure for venting hotflue gasesorsmokefrom aboiler,stove,furnaceorfireplaceto the outsideatmosphere. Chimneys are typically vertical, or as near as possible to vertical, to ensure that the gases flow smoothly, drawing air into thecombustionin what is known as thestack, or chimney, effect. The space inside a chimney is called aflue. Chimneys may be found in buildings, steam locomotives and ships. In the United States, the termsmokestack(colloquially,stack) is also used when referring tolocomotive chimneysorship chimneys, and the termfunnelcan also be used.[1][2]
Someone told me the other night he had spoken to ed face to face, and that he wont be on 865 again - and also it wasn't his decision. Posted by DOHHHHHHH
"someone" was talking out of a rear facing orifice, as far as I am aware.
I've seen the same thing Posted several times recently, but people will just have to believe whatever they want.
In Response to Re: Gidzo? : come on tommy your a teacher you may be on half term but thats no excuse for spelling mistakes 'among' lol god hopes your a maths teacher and not english lol Posted by delaney09
Someone told me the other night he had spoken to ed face to face, and that he wont be on 865 again - and also it wasn't his decision. Posted by DOHHHHHHH
As the person in charge of the channel I would love to know where you gain this information as it is NOT correct!
Ed has been filming a reality show in South Africa. This month we are trying a few new things and I hope to have Ed back on channel 856 soon
I suggest if you have any direct questions regarding the channel going forward you PM me on here. Therefore resulting in less rumours, assumption and gossip, plus more respect for those involved in front and behind the cameras on the channel.
I suggest if you have any direct questions regarding the channel going forward you PM me on here. Therefore resulting in less rumours, assumption and gossip, plus more respect for those involved in front and behind the cameras on the channel. Thanks Posted by Sky_Claire
I think it would be better if you put your mobile number on here just in case the PM's are having an off day again.
come on tommy your a teacher you may be on half term but thats no excuse for spelling mistakes 'among' lol god hopes your a maths teacher and not english
lol i think i have the qualifications for the wrong job sector s crew accounting im becoming a psychic
A chimney is a structure for venting hot flue gases or smoke from a boiler, stove, furnace or fireplace to the outside atmosphere. Chimneys are typically vertical, or as near as possible to vertical, to ensure that the gases flow smoothly, drawing air into the combustion in what is known as the stack, or chimney, effect. The space inside a chimney is called a flue. Chimneys may be found in buildings, steam locomotives and ships. In the United States, the term smokestack (colloquially, stack) is also used when referring to locomotive chimneys or ship chimneys, and the term funnel can also be used.[1][2]
*** bump ***
any latest news on the 21st century gidzoid man?
oh, pity
I've seen the same thing Posted several times recently, but people will just have to believe whatever they want.
Ed has been filming a reality show in South Africa. This month we are trying a few new things and I hope to have Ed back on channel 856 soon
Lol, Mother & I posted the same thing 2 minutes apart, but we are in different buildings today, & have not discussed it!
As you were.