Hiya Mick, just a question for you about the £200 guaranteed that finished at 17.03 today. On the final table you were big blind 600/300 and chip leader approx 19000. I was sat left of you and raised to 1200..someone else called it and you went all in with 77. I went all in KK and the other person folded. You knocked me out with trip 7's, but I have to ask you why you went all in?
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I am afraid Mick wont be able to answer your question
Last time I played Mick was in a cash game and he bust my K/K in similar fashion.
I wish I ran aswell as him.
One win is better than ten limps for sure.
Dont get result orientated
You raised he had a pair he shoved!
That's what he does, goes for the win!
Aggresive poker is winning poker, MickJenns results prove that. Obviously AA and KK are always calling in your spot, but not much else. I think you played your hand very well, when you hold KK you absolutely want to induce a shove from hands like 77, you did exactly that but got unlucky this time. If you had made a bigger raise and he had folded that would have been a worse play.
All you can do in poker is make optimal decisions, there's nothing you can do about the luck, if you can consistantly make optimal decisions you are guaranteed to be a winning player in the long run. The luck always evens out over time, even for MickJenn. You'll get him another time.
hate the word luck