Hi there guys, my name is Carl, and i'm new to the site but by no means new to poker. Due to the shut down of US poker on most online sites now, it has triggered me to deposit on the site, and i can quite happily say i don't regret doing so one bit!
However, even though NoLimitHold'em was my bread and butter, i also used to play a variety of mixed games such as HORSE, 7game, and even 10game (5points go to those out there who can work out how many variations are in that form of the game

I know Omaha is 'relatively new to the site, i was just wondering how many of you guys out there would love to see games like, Limit Omaha Hi/Lo, Stud Hi, Razz, Stud Hi/Lo, 2-7 Triple Draw, and heck, even Badugi!!!
These games really are a lot of fun and whilst 1 person (being new and all too) can't change much, was just wondering whether anyone out there would be partial to a bit of mixed gamage too

Run good in life, and at the tables guys,
Carlos Smitalos
There are some PLO8 tables on here but you'll need to be on normally between 9pm-midnight to see much activity.
Carlos Smitalos