Hi guys having just recovered from the worst tilting behaviour ive had for..well probably ever i was wondering if ppl had some tips for counteracting tilt. Probably not unusually it started off with an unusual amount of bad beats at 100NL over a 2 week period which i wont go into here. Normally i can embrace varience and recognise that if someone has outdrawn me when i was better than an 80% fav its the situation where over time the profits are going to come from. This time it was different and i admit that i basically started spewing cash at the guys on my tables for a short while until i regained my self control.
I also got pretty paranoid and had a nagging doubt that after every withdrawal from my sky poker account i was somehow being punished by flopping set under set, having guys hit runner runner flush on me with the money allin on the flop etc etc.
Any thoughts are welcome bcos im a bit concerned that the next bad beat i get may lose it again when b4 this episode i had been in complete control whatever happened.
thanks for reading my post and for all responces. xxx
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Hi WildDog, the only remedy I know of is to stop playing.
Maybe go for a walk or even doing something menial like washing the dishes or brushing your teeth can refresh the brain and you can start again.
BUT you must make sure you're not still thinking of what's happened before when you start playing again, otherwise you need more time off.
Hope this has helped in any way and best of luck in your future play.
I went through a period of 12 months of misery after suffering a massive bad beat in the final stages of the biggest tourney of the year. and from that point on everything 'seemed' to go wrong. The poker gods were against me, the sites were against me and it felt like everything was against me. The worse it got the more I chased, and the more I chased the worse it got. I went from mtt winnings of over $200k in the previous year to donking out of everything I played. I stopped playing for a month, went cold turkey and found other things to do to keep my mind off poker. Even when not playing I would run over in my mind the things that had gone wrong, the hands I'd lost etc. It was only when I stopped having those thoughts that I started again, and I started with a bang winning a tourney at the first attempt. The poker gods didn't change their minds....... I had changed mine.
When things get really bad, and they do sometimes, then the best advice I can give is take a break. Not a couple of days, a proper break until the negative thoughts go away. I know I've been there and it's purgatory.
Gold Digger.
In 2004 I sold my business that I'd had since 1979 (yes I am that old). I had played poker since school and online for a couple of years just messing about in mtts. I took a couple of years off work after selling the business and started playing poker online seriously. I had a healthy bankroll so no pressure. I played most days/evenings often 'till 3 or 4 am. I loved it and I was winning tourneys regularly, no monsters but good sized prize pots. I did that until the incident I mentioned above and the bad streak. When i took time out I realised that playing poker for a living would be hard work with no guarantees. My net profit ($110k) was about the same as I earn now from a relatively secure occupation (I'm a fee-paid professional working with Local Authority Childrens services) and working for a living was easier. I love my poker win or lose (winning has the edge though) and playing full time took the enjoyment out of it for me. I admire anyone who can make a living out of poker, particularly in mtt's, and the likes of Moorman are awsome both in ability and commitment. I don't have what it takes.
you must think we are all idiots, what sort of business did you run??? you are only a dog and if you had it in 1979 you would be 210 in dog years by now. If your gonna make up stories at least make them plausible, like i was a sheep herder, or ran a dog hotel and it was in 1998
The business was Crufts and it's been going since 1936. You must think I'm barking mad.
And I'd prefer it if you didn't make references to sheep herding......I live in Wales.....and the rumours are not true.
tilted 700 online yesterday and today, trying to bluff nits off AA etc.
then i went to a casino and tilted 200 on roulette
then i got a seat at the poker table, was up 250 in like the first orbit thru my uber pwning skillz and decided to then tilt off all my profit in another 10 hands. i left the table with 13 quid profit but i was so sick i just left it for the dealer.
got in my car, tilt bought 3 Xbox games. get home. decide to play online. don't wanna play sky so go on another site. tilt off 200 first hand. third hand i get it in with AA vs KK AIPF for another 200. board 4 flushes and ofc he has the Kh to beat my 2 black aces.
It's not paranoid when they ARE out to get you.
One of the things I do to stem tilt is occassionally if I lose money through my own fault (very rare
I feel this takes the psychological edge off of any losses and you can forget about them and start afresh.
I think what your saying is that a low balance puts pressure on you. If so I agree.
When are you likely to make a chunky withdrawal? After you've been running well and built up more than you think you need in your roll. After a period of running well, there will inevitably be a period of running not-so-well.