Hand History #362631584 (12:16 17/04/2011)PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceSolidStan1Small blind 15.0015.003430.00Smokey_HudBig blind 30.0045.001250.00 Your hole cardsQJ foxy666603Call 30.0075.001920.00gavster626Call 30.00105.003500.00badloser10Call 30.00135.001765.00SolidStan1Call 15.00150.003415.00Smokey_HudCheck Flop KJA SolidStan1Bet 150.00300.003265.00Smokey_HudFold foxy666603Call 150.00450.001770.00gavster626Fold badloser10Fold Turn 6 SolidStan1Bet 150.00600.003115.00foxy666603Call 150.00750.001620.00River 10 SolidStan1Bet 360.001110.002755.00foxy666603Call 360.001470.001260.00SolidStan1ShowQJ foxy666603MuckK9 SolidStan1WinRoyal Flush1470.00 4225.00
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This is Sky mate...
Straws, clutching, chance, no.
Nh tho
James Hartigan gives it 9/10
If you were one of the high roller regulars on the site, there would be a prize for that. If you are not a high roller regular then no hope of a prize.
Yeah they get a free Ferrari.
It does seem to be the regulars that win all the time though. Last night machka won another pirze. That makes 15 out of 20 live shows. Luck of the draw or regulars getting an unfair advantage? I wonder what the odds are of winning name out of a hat 15 times out of 20.
Pssstttt dont quote 15 out of 20 shows, in other thread was only messing, hes won a few but no idea how many, as far as bonuses for a royal nobsy on this site gets one, would be nice for them to start one up tho
I never contribute to the show threads just with winning a prize in mind. Often there is no prize on offer anyway and people still get involved anyway.