Great- thanks to everyone for your entries this week. A bumper number!
The match has been running for 30 minutes now and it's still 0-0, so all the predictions of a Man U thrashing of Newcastle are starting to look a little shaky.
45 mins to the TSP Classic by the way, make sure you sign up in time if you fancy playing this great tournament.
While I've got you there- I've been informed today that you can now qualify for the GUKPT main events via Sky Poker- we've got satellites running in the lobby every day (except Wednesday) till Saturday so if you fancy joining the members of Team SKy Poker, including myself, in Walsall in 10 days time for a big buy-in tourney with a quality field of pros, then get busy!
Proving that it pays to go different from the crowd in this comp- we have just TWO players this week entering the the second stage. They were the only two who succesfully predicted that the Newcastle/Man U game would finish 0-0 and they are: GregHogg and XCowman So now to decide the winner: Greg has me finishing 68th and XCowman has me on 25th. I'm currently 38th out of a remaining 83 so it really couldn't be much closer! Posted by RICHORFORD
xcowman ftw win as gregg said 0-0 bore draw which it was not ( for change ) lol
Rich Orford to finish 22
Mr Orford will finsh 52nd
16th Run good Mr Orford...
Orford 89th
Orford to finish 32nd.
Rich, watch for the river killer this week! lol.
Well its down to 2
Greghogg 0-0 Rich 68th
xcowman 0-0 Rich 25th