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1 week, 2.5k points + £1k x 3 = Vegas?

edited April 2011 in Poker Chat

Q yet another DOHH self motivational thread. 

I suffer very badly from "being a lazy b*****d" syndrome. 

In the past I've tried everything - monthly and yearly challenges. Started "game specific" threads, where I aimed to improve in 1 discipline over a period of time. I've spent money on things I didn't need, just to try and motivate myself to win it back. I've given money to charities, bought friends and family things etc etc all to try and give myself a wake up call to start making money. 

All the above worked short term, but once I had re-couped everything, + abit, I'd relax again.

This is yet another attempt for me to try and increase my volume!!!

Last month I made 5.5k points. A terrible attempt, falling 5k short of my target!!!

This month I made 2.9k in 10 days. I made really good money, following on from a great end to March.

My points balance today, 8 days later, I have 3.1kl points. lol

Although I've had 4 sessions in the last 8 days, I've made 200 points.

I have a problem.................

It's not brm, it's nothing to do with the game itself, (although yeh I have a billion leaks I can get away with em at my level). It's the dreaded V word!!! VOLUME!!!! Variance is nothing compared to my volume issue!!

I'm not really sure what the reason is for it, but I think it's due to my situation away from poker being very comfortable. 

Anyway, this last week I've been considering an offer from an old uni mate of mine (old, I only left 18 months ago but not seen him since.)

In the summer he plans to go to Vegas with his cousin, both are very enthusiastic, but very much recreational poker players, and also gamblers. Although you all know I'm not really bothered about playing live, poker will be only a small element of the trip, and I do rather enjoy drinking, gambling, travelling, hot weather and strip clubs ;) I've been all over the net this weekend checking it out and it looks amazing. No doubt I'll have to play my first live game of poker while I'm there, but you can't have it all can ya! :P

Anyway, I put 2+2 together, and came up with yet another bankroll/volume challenge.

Being a tight wad, I want the trip to pay for itself. (although free beer if ur gambling sounds sick!!!! If I'd known that I mighta gone a long time ago, or even moved there! lol)

So I'm going to set myself 3 seperate challenges lasting 1 week each. Anymore than 1 week at a time and I reckon I'll crash and burn like usual. 

A week to make a grand? And 2k points, minimum. 

I'm gonna be playing 2 sessions a day, for 6 days between now and Sunday. (I'm giving myself Saturday off to recover as I plan to get t*watted Friday night.) Will be taking it very easy on the booze during the week! (in theory)

Morning/afternoon will be mainly low limit cash, HU sng and maybe even back to some dyms (for the points!!!!)

Evening will be some mtts looking to bink the 1k in 1/2 scores, and then cash to grind out the bread n butter profit.

A thread wasn't neccessery, but can only help. I've upset a few people recently, I want those to come on here and knock me, tell me I'm useless, and will fail etc etc etc. That's probably the best motivation I'm gonna get. So I've started this thread to....

1) Keep a record of my own progress, points and profit.
2) Give people an opportunity to encourage/knock me
3) Tell everyone about it coz I'm excited :) lol

So 1 week, Mon - Sun.

£1,000 profit.

2.5k points.

Goooooo Dohhhhhhhh u useless lazy sack of s**t! Wish me luck !!!

(Will be starting as soon as Jeremy Kyle has finished on ITV+1) ;) lol.



  • AcidMan27AcidMan27 Member Posts: 3,752
    edited April 2011
    You've got no chance DOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH you useless bleeeep!!!! ; )

    That's a good challenge though for you, I think it's possible.

  • kaymackaymac Member Posts: 1,437
    edited April 2011

    If seeing the people on Jeremy Kyle doesn't motivate you, what chance have you got??????

    GL m8 
  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited April 2011

    :D lol !

    I forgot to add, I will be playing 99% on sky (would have been like 75% had I started it last Monday but for obvious reasons my options are now restricted)

    There's 1 other site I play HU super turbo sngs on, with 1 minute blinds. No1 can possibly have an edge on me in those so they're great for times of tilt! lol

    If sky did them I'd make gazillionz of points! Hint. 

  • YOUNG_GUNYOUNG_GUN Member Posts: 8,948
    edited April 2011
    GL and run good fella!

    Firstly i give u like 1 day and u will be bored of poker and take week off, secondly u are not good enough to win a Mtt so £1k week sounds impossible for u!

    Thirdly stop watchiing Jermy Kyle u lazy giit!( I miss it a tad since started work again lol)

    May the poker gods be with u, if u earn enough feel free to take me so i can bink a tourney out there ;)
  • JohnConnorJohnConnor Member Posts: 1,160
    edited April 2011
    Very best of luck mate, hope you can do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited April 2011
    dohhhh if you make enough and take me across ill give you 65% of all tourny winning while im there. (you know thats appealing - MTT team of me and young gun by ur side. Although u might want to bu an anti variance bag for that,).
  • ACEGOONERACEGOONER Member Posts: 1,435
    edited April 2011
    In Response to 1 week, 2.5k points + £1k x 3 = Vegas?:
    Q yet another DOHH self motivational thread.  I suffer very badly from "being a lazy b*****d" syndrome.  In the past I've tried everything - monthly and yearly challenges. Started "game specific" threads, where I aimed to improve in 1 discipline over a period of time. I've spent money on things I didn't need, just to try and motivate myself to win it back. I've given money to charities, bought friends and family things etc etc all to try and give myself a wake up call to start making money.  All the above worked short term, but once I had re-couped everything, + abit, I'd relax again. This is yet another attempt for me to try and increase my volume!!! Last month I made 5.5k points. A terrible attempt, falling 5k short of my target!!! This month I made 2.9k in 10 days. I made really good money, following on from a great end to March. My points balance today, 8 days later, I have 3.1kl points. lol Although I've had 4 sessions in the last 8 days, I've made 200 points . I have a problem................. It's not brm, it's nothing to do with the game itself, (although yeh I have a billion leaks I can get away with em at my level). It's the dreaded V word!!! VOLUME!!!! Variance is nothing compared to my volume issue!! I'm not really sure what the reason is for it, but I think it's due to my situation away from poker being very comfortable.  Anyway, this last week I've been considering an offer from an old uni mate of mine (old, I only left 18 months ago but not seen him since.) In the summer he plans to go to Vegas with his cousin, both are very enthusiastic, but very much recreational poker players, and also gamblers. Although you all know I'm not really bothered about playing live, poker will be only a small element of the trip, and I do rather enjoy drinking, gambling, travelling, hot weather and strip clubs ;) I've been all over the net this weekend checking it out and it looks amazing. No doubt I'll have to play my first live game of poker while I'm there, but you can't have it all can ya! :P Anyway, I put 2+2 together, and came up with yet another  bankroll/volume challenge. Being a tight wad, I want the trip to pay for itself. (although free beer if ur gambling sounds sick!!!! If I'd known that I mighta gone a long time ago, or even moved there! lol) So I'm going to set myself 3 seperate challenges lasting 1 week each. Anymore than 1 week at a time and I reckon I'll crash and burn like usual.  A week to make a grand? And 2k points, minimum.  I'm gonna be playing 2 sessions a day, for 6 days between now and Sunday. (I'm giving myself Saturday off to recover as I plan to get t*watted Friday night.) Will be taking it very easy on the booze during the week! (in theory) Morning/afternoon will be mainly low limit cash, HU sng and maybe even back to some dyms (for the points!!!!) Evening will be some mtts looking to bink the 1k in 1/2 scores, and then cash to grind out the bread n butter profit. A thread wasn't neccessery, but can only help. I've upset a few people recently, I want those to come on here and knock me, tell me I'm useless, and will fail etc etc etc. That's probably the best motivation I'm gonna get. So I've started this thread to.... 1) Keep a record of my own progress, points and profit. 2) Give people an opportunity to encourage/knock me 3) Tell everyone about it coz I'm excited :) lol So 1 week, Mon - Sun. £1,000 profit. 2.5k points. Goooooo Dohhhhhhhh u useless lazy sack of s**t! Wish me luck !!! (Will be starting as soon as Jeremy Kyle has finished on ITV+1) ;) lol.
    Posted by DOHHHHHHH
    Dohhhhhh you left uni only 18 months ago, are you a mature student !

    I dont know why but you always struck me as a lot older than you perhaps really are.

    As for the C4P, 2.5k in a week pffft thats easy, 1k profit, now thats impressive. Two table your 10 quid HU and you could do it within 4 days. Im up to 4.5k for the month, aiming for 10k. The VIP status if achieved will come in very handy for next month when im going to play 7 hours a day from the 8th. Target a cool 20k!

    As for Vegas, im so tempted to go myself, thanks to the payoff from my firm have the money to buyin to the main event, which would be the worst financial decision I have ever made, perhaps I should just stake redmond lee!
  • pod1pod1 Member Posts: 4,377
    edited April 2011
    if you had a wife that looked like mine ,you wouldnt need anymore motivation to stare at a screen 8hrs a day!!   gl mate. good i would love to be a fly on the wall when you sit down at a live game!!! ps cards and chips are 3 dimensional lol
  • DarntootinDarntootin Member Posts: 1,521
    edited April 2011
    Good luck Dohhhhh, i'm sure you'll do it so have a cracking time in Vegas.
  • GREGHOGGGREGHOGG Member Posts: 7,155
    edited April 2011
    Best of luck, ill be on your case if your not playing, you can be assured of that!!

    P.S ive got 4100 poker points this month already! and im just a donkey with a full time job, so youve got no excuse!

    You can do it JJ!

  • loonytoonsloonytoons Member Posts: 4,270
    edited April 2011
    In Response to Re: 1 week, 2.5k points + £1k x 3 = Vegas?:
    In Response to 1 week, 2.5k points + £1k x 3 = Vegas? : Dohhhhhh you left uni only 18 months ago, are you a mature student ! I dont know why but you always struck me as a lot older than you perhaps really are. As for the C4P, 2.5k in a week pffft thats easy, 1k profit, now thats impressive. Two table your 10 quid HU and you could do it within 4 days. Im up to 4.5k for the month, aiming for 10k. The VIP status if achieved will come in very handy for next month when im going to play 7 hours a day from the 8th. Target a cool 20k! As for Vegas, im so tempted to go myself, thanks to the payoff from my firm have the money to buyin to the main event, which would be the worst financial decision I have ever made, perhaps I should just stake redmond lee!
    Posted by ACEGOONER
    i would say dohhhhhh was an immature student :)))))
  • LOL_RAISELOL_RAISE Member Posts: 2,188
    edited April 2011
    when would your trip to vegas be?
  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited April 2011
    early/mid June !

    Dya wanna stake me and/or write me a reference?? ;) 

    And loonys right, I could do a degree at the age of 50 I prob still wouldn't be classed as mature.

    I went to uni straight from 6 form, did 4 years PE and Youth Sport. Left when I was 23. 

    I can teach dance and gymnastics........(and other things)
  • AcidMan27AcidMan27 Member Posts: 3,752
    edited April 2011
    You can teach dance ? Oh my god!!!!! ; )

  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited April 2011
    In Response to Re: 1 week, 2.5k points + £1k x 3 = Vegas?:
    You can teach dance ? Oh my god!!!!! ; )
    Posted by AcidMan27
    It was at a school in Sheffield!!!

    U might know it, I can't remember the name though....I was at Sheff Hallam.

    Had a class of 5/6 yr olds twice a week for 10 weeks and finished off with a performance at the NIS......

    Ughhhhh what was it called, it was towards Hillsbro' anyway, I'll find out.

    Also got it on DVD with me being interviewed in front of Hundreds of people !!!!! So sick they chose us of all the students, bet the tutors were devvod! lol.

    Good times. 
  • AcidMan27AcidMan27 Member Posts: 3,752
    edited April 2011
    Parkwood High School ?

    Walkley ? Wisewood ? Myers Grove ?

    There's loads.
  • MrWh1teMrWh1te Member Posts: 963
    edited April 2011
    good luck with it dohhhh
  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited April 2011
    Found it! Sacred hearts Catholic school.

    Just off the main road, up a hill.

    Google street ftw!!!!
  • AcidMan27AcidMan27 Member Posts: 3,752
    edited April 2011
    Up a hill ? there's about 50million hills here ; )

    Never heard of that school tbh dohhhhhh, sounds posh.
  • splashiessplashies Member Posts: 3,680
    edited April 2011
    Good luck with this mate.

    I'm staggered at your usual low volume of hours put in. You're missing out on lots of moniezzzz every month.
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