was hoping for a little bit of advice about this if anyone has an opinion
Apart from the obvious (you can get in a tourney far cheaper via a sat than a direct buy in) but it amazes me in the difference in the standard of play when your in a sat compared to the main event.
By no means am I the best player in the world, really I have only been playing for a few months and still learning day by day but I have only just managed to get thru a sat for the first time today.
I was after advice really on play within a sat because the ones I have played in people have bet all sorts of rubbish after I have raised and have managed to hit on something you would never put them on, is this inspired play by them, donk play, am I the clown, do I need to change my games for sats???
The reason I ask is that Ive played a few sats now and ended up having just to buy straight in cause I wanted to play in them, so really Im paying up to double the original buy in.
The main even to me seems that people actually play properly compared to the sats who a lot just seem to wanna luck out.
So am I just a bad player cause I cant beat people like this, do I need to pick my spots better, I really just cant work out where my game is at TBH, so dont know whether to continue the sats or just buy straight in
I know thats a ramble with many points and questions and I'm trying not to give too much away about my game but if anyone can help or contribute towards this post, I would greatly appreciate it (or educate me in how to structure posts properly lol)
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but yeah the standard is pretty bad in the sats. if i am playing at between 5-6 then i'll always try at least once in getting in cheap, usually successfully.
just keep at it and im sure you'll be fine.
Daytime tourney sats are soft in my experience (I don't play in the evening, so I can't comment on those), I never buy-in direct for anything that's £10+ because it's cheaper to satellite in. These sats all have a turbo structure, so play tight for the first 3 levels, then switch to measured and well timed aggression. Short stack shove/fold/re-steal skills are crucial, as is correct bubble play. Close to the bubble shove with any 2 cards on big stacks that think they already have a seat wrapped up, they will only call with a monster.
You have probably just been a victim of variance so far, if you're a better than average player these should be +ev in the long run. Satellites can definitely be very profitable, see this;
Good luck.
I am a fairly new player as well and recently had some success in sat's. As mentioned play as a knit and double up, You will find people calling raises with anything (especially in early levels), raising 5/6 times the big blind usually rids the rubbish and means you retain some fold equity.
For instance, I just played in a sat for a $109 buyin game. The buyin for the sat was $23 and I won a seat in that one from a $8 game.
Anyhow,getting close to the bubble, nearly everyone on my table was safe if we just folded round. Everyone knew this, except the guy on my right, who every time it was folded to him in the SB he would push on my BB. This had the effect of 'squeaky bum time'. He had a similar stack to me too and if I picked up a hand I would have called, just to spite him.
I did eventually qualify but it took all of my strength to not call him with ATC
What I guess I am trying to say, stay tight (I folded AA and AK at times in the sat tonight), play some great stealing play around the bubble against stacks that think they are safe.
Never try and steal from someone who wont make the bubble by sitting out (they will call wider). Don't steal eiither from the very big stacks that can afford to take a hit and still qualify because they will call looser and they only need to catch you once.
Good luck with your attempts