Yes, there's just a few days to go till Sky Poker's elite team of poker players, (and myself) head to the Midlands to tear up the main event of the GUKPT Walsall Leg 2011.
I don't think those balti houses are going to know what's hit 'em, frankly.
With our growing reputation as serious contenders in the online industry and now in the live arena with the white-hot signing recently of our first superstar pro- Julian Thew, the blue hoodies which now pop up at the tables around more and more and big events are now to be respected and feared.
I'm privileged to be playing in this upcoming event, along with the rest of the lads. I hope you can follow us online on the day!
Temptation to come anyway and cause rail-related havoc = rising
I should clarify that's the poker rail and not railway-related havoc, before Tikay gets too excited.
Orford gets a seat to GUKPT Walsall, & I don't - what's that about? He's a complete duffer, never gone beyond Level 1 in the Luton Tourneys, & thinks a straight is 7-8-9-J.
It's outrageous.
MMegabyte ggets iit sspot-oon.
II llove Mmegabyte.
The TSP entries have now all been paid in, we sent a wire-transfer yesterday for a shed-load of money. So far, the following are entered.
Ryan (scotty)
Oh, & plonker.
Plus, of course, anyone who qualifies via the Sky Poker GUKPT Satellites will also be entered.
Pretty exciting, really.
I gather a lot of the lads will be up there railing, Dylan just pinged me, he'll be there, a few others, too, & I assume Lewis will be playing.
I will be there on the Friday, & Rich Milner &/or Blandy all weekend, but I have to shoot back to London on the Saturday to do the Show.
I'll then go back up to Walsall on the Sunday to rail our guys who make the Final. You never know, Orford might Final.
Good luck men (This thing needs a womans touch!!)
In Response to The countdown to the GUKPT Walsall has begun- will you be joining Team Sky Poker at the tables?: Satellite in, lol!
good luck in warsaw.
no pressure... you have nothing to prove (you're easily good enough) and nothing to lose. how good is that?
so why not play your normal stuff.
good luck.
Good Luck to Everyone will there be a Live Stream?