You may have wondered why Thewy has not been on the Community since the news broke yesterday.
He's thrilled to bits, of course, but he's over in Dublin at the moment, & has no internet access, as he is stsaying with Mum all week, prior to playing the Irish Open.
In fact, it must be like a madhouse at Mum's place. Julian has his wife - Amanda - & the whole tribe of mini-Thews with him, being Reuben, Barny, Hal, & Woody. (How bad are those kids names?). Plus, Jules brother Graham - a better player than Jules I often think - will also be there, with his missus, & another tribe of saucepans.
Jules plays the Irish Open later this week. If I can find time, I'll keep everyone informed as to how he gets on.
Find time? Well I'm planning a few days break, it's been mega-hectic lately, with the DoJ thing, new Tourneys, the Julian stuff, & we have been recording shows for Challenge TV - we did EIGHT of them yesterday, & it was midnight before we finished. But if I can find time, I'll keep everyone updates as to Jules progress in the Irish Open, he generally texts me at each break.
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The news of Thewy signing for Sky Poker shot round the poker world like wildfire yesterday.
Getting that message out is actually part of my job, but luckily I had some help from Rich M, Jack W, & the Legend that is Tighty.
It was, almost literally, everywhere, & was very warmly received indeed. Everyone loves Thewy, & even now, I can barely believe we have got him.
The negoitiations commenced months ago, & I've been bursting to tell people! We eventually "shook hands" on the eve of the Luton SPT, when Rich Milner, Thewy, & myself, had a meeting in my Hotel Room, at Days Inn, Luton, Heaven knows what people thought, seeing the three of us sneak off upstairs.....since then, it's been all about getting the legals sorted, these things are quite complex.
...the wonders of google, & SEO, ensured yesterday's announcement found it's way far & wide.
We picked up this today, from google alerts. We think it was from Slovakia!
Julian Thew zmenil pôsobisko
Začiatkom tohto roka vypršal kontrakt medzi Julianom Thewom a herňou PokerStars, ktorá tohto šampióna z EPT Baden sponzorovala. Julian však dlho bez domova nezostal. Včera bolo oznámené, že Julian Thew sa dohodol na kontrakte so Sky Poker. „Som potešený a vzrušený, že ma Sky Poker oslovil, a skutočne sa teším ako ich budem reprezentovať na rôznych živých turnanoch a hrať veľa online turnajov, vrátane úplne nového Sky Rolleru,“ povedal Julian na margo novej zmluvy.
After using "google tranaslate" this came out.....
Julian Thew has changed realm
Earlier this year the expired contract between Julian Thew and PokerStars, which this champion of EPT Baden sponsored. Julian, however, did not stay long without a home. Yesterday it was announced that Julian Thew has agreed to contract with Sky Poker. "I am pleased and excited that I contacted Sky Poker, and really look forward to them I represent the different turnanoch live and play a lot of online tournaments, including the brand new Sky Roller," said Julian Commenting on a new contract.
So there you go - he's a big turnanoch winner.
Lets hope this goes to plan i think you might deserve one...........only just.
Please send our best wishes & good luck to Julian in the Open.
As punishment I am cancelling your time off!
My planned 4 day break this weekend will probably be spent in either G-Luton, who have a nice £100 on Friday, & a £150 on Sunday, or Brighton Rendezvous, who have nice Tourneys on Saturday (£150), & Sunday/Monday (£300).
Looking forward to it!
many thanks
internet cafes are scarce on the ground these days but have managed to track one down...tx for the kind words all but i have have to admit to being slightly concerned:
'tikay takes time off shocker',
seriously, in the 9 or so years that i've known him this must be a first,
spring romance?