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Live tells

dtm75dtm75 Member Posts: 263
edited April 2011 in Poker Chat
Just read Acidman's comment on Rich's tell [counting out his straight (7,8,9,J) on his fingers] and this has led me here.

First live game at SPT Leeds is a matter of weeks away; others in the same boat. 

I think I will have a terrible poker-face/body language.  My daughter often comments when I do "the caterpillar" at home on hitting a set, that I won't be able to do that live or "people might work out that you've got a big hand Dad!"

On a serious note, I'm a bit nervous about looking down on bullets and then giving the fact away in a nanosecond?

Any tips? Or should I just caterpillar every hand/flop/turn and river - problem solved?


  • AcidMan27AcidMan27 Member Posts: 3,752
    edited April 2011
    Either play with a smile on your face the whole time or keep thinking horrible, depressing thoughts to keep a straight, miserable looking face.

    Just practice at home in front of a mirror with a pack of cards, keep dealing yourself pairs and try to keep the same facial expression the whole time.

    Alot of tells come from other areas though.

    If you get into a routine everytime you play a hand it will help.
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited April 2011
    I suffer a similar problem. Ive found the Laak outfit helps. I now usually wear shades and a hoody to live games that im playing in. I make sure that both are on at all times, and that my hands usually cover my mouth.

    The fingers one is just a natural habit u would need to get out of.
  • edited April 2011
    My terrible leak is fistpumping and leaping out my seat and shouting when I flop a set.

    Still get paid off, live poker is funny.
  • dtm75dtm75 Member Posts: 263
    edited April 2011
    In Response to Re: Live tells:
    My terrible leak is fistpumping and leaping out my seat and shouting when I flop a set. Still get paid off, live poker is funny.
    Posted by CoxyLboro
    I thought you hid behind a newspaper ;)
  • SolarCarroSolarCarro Member Posts: 2,273
    edited April 2011
    Couple of tips (not too many now)

    When making a sizeable bet or all in move just look at the centre of the table and don't deviate from that, they may talk to you, they may look at you but just keep those eyes fixed to the flop (or felt).

    Don't play with your chips after looking at your cards, look at your hand and wait, then reach for the stack and count out a bet, I find people who go for the chips straight after looking at the cards irrespective of position at the table will bet, likewise look at others as some people hold the cards slightly up, this is a sign they are about to fold.

    Another good one is when you are in the big blind don't look at your cards straight away, observe the other players as they look at theirs, you are acting last of all so try and pick up on reactions as they look at theirs, might just help you defend.

    Watch how opponents put chips in the middle, if they bang them down aggressively or into your space its often a tell they have a weak hand trying to look big.

    Look at the mouth, biting or licking of lips is a sign of weakness, tightening of the mouth as well.

    If they have a card protector, after looking at the cards do they put the protector on them, some don't and this is a sign they may fold.

    Hope that helps
  • dtm75dtm75 Member Posts: 263
    edited April 2011
    In Response to Re: Live tells:
    Posted by SolarCarro
    Thanks Dave, trés helpful.  Am still planning to meet up with you all on a Friday night at some point (if still ok). Can hopefully put these into practice.  Combination of parental duties and work scuppering any "outings" at the moment though.

    Cheers, Dan
  • SolarCarroSolarCarro Member Posts: 2,273
    edited April 2011
    In Response to Re: Live tells:
    In Response to Re: Live tells : Thanks Dave, trés helpful.  Am still planning to meet up with you all on a Friday night at some point (if still ok). Can hopefully put these into practice.  Combination of parental duties and work scuppering any "outings" at the moment though. Cheers, Dan
    Posted by dtm75
    Yeah I know, I managed the last couple of weekends and am getting a live game tonight but struggling to play as much as I want to.

    Looks like Friday before SPT is a £15 freezeout so that will be ideal at Grosvenor

  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited April 2011
    In Response to Live tells:
    Just read Acidman's comment on Rich's tell [counting out his straight (7,8,9,J) on his fingers] and this has led me here. First live game at SPT Leeds is a matter of weeks away; others in the same boat.  I think I will have a terrible poker-face/body language.  My daughter often comments when I do "the caterpillar" at home on hitting a set, that I won't be able to do that live or "people might work out that you've got a big hand Dad!" On a serious note, I'm a bit nervous about looking down on bullets and then giving the fact away in a nanosecond? Any tips? Or should I just caterpillar every hand/flop/turn and river - problem solved?
    Posted by dtm75
    lol !!!

    This reminded me of sum1 who dances in front of his screen when he stacks someone. Plays a million tables too, so that's alot of dancing.

    I occasionally fist pump if a successful bluff co-incides with the upping of the tempo in the Grimethorpe Colliery bands version of a  James Bond Medley.

    Id imagine if you're talking alot between and during hands your tells would be harder to pick up? U might give away more, but they wont be as easy to spot, as opposed to a guy sitting there in silence trying to look like a statue.

    Wont b as boring either.
  • LOL_RAISELOL_RAISE Member Posts: 2,188
    edited April 2011
    remember to breathe.
  • KeevilKeevil Member Posts: 108
    edited April 2011
    In Response to Live tells:
    Just read Acidman's comment on Rich's tell [counting out his straight (7,8,9,J) on his fingers] and this has led me here. First live game at SPT Leeds is a matter of weeks away; others in the same boat.  I think I will have a terrible poker-face/body language.  My daughter often comments when I do "the caterpillar" at home on hitting a set, that I won't be able to do that live or "people might work out that you've got a big hand Dad!" On a serious note, I'm a bit nervous about looking down on bullets and then giving the fact away in a nanosecond? Any tips? Or should I just caterpillar every hand/flop/turn and river - problem solved?
    Posted by dtm75

    Only played a few live games myself and found out my poker face really isnt that good....

    This resulted in my wife dealing me cards and me practicing my poker face with my nipper shouting "Dad... It looks like your having a poo.... Which is a shame cause i thought i was getting quite good myself!

    I think this needs to change before SPT Leeds allthough i think it could be quite off putting!

    The tourney on the Friday night seems like a good oppourtunity to put it to practice! :)
  • BozzSaysBozzSays Member Posts: 3
    edited April 2011
    +10 to SolarCarro just about all the important points covered. I play more live than online and a problem i still av when i av a monster hand that i know is gunna kill, is hand shake as soon as i go to pick up chips. Dead give away, and i can't seem to stop it no matter what.  Any advise plz.
  • scotty77scotty77 Member Posts: 4,970
    edited April 2011
    what works for me is just to stare at the board when you are doing any action.

    +1 to coxy tho tbh.  most live players show their hands face up and they still get paid off.
  • SILEEKSILEEK Member Posts: 55
    edited April 2011
    In Response to Re: Live tells:
    I suffer a similar problem. Ive found the Laak outfit helps. I now usually wear shades and a hoody to live games that im playing in. I make sure that both are on at all times, and that my hands usually cover my mouth. The fingers one is just a natural habit u would need to get out of.
    Posted by The_Don90

    Anybody that sits down at a poker table wearing shades and a hood up, should be dragged
    from their seat (I will gladly volunteer!) and marched to a place of public flogging, and from
    there marched to a place of public execution.
    Pretentious, self important ttwats. NO mitigation!!!
  • dtm75dtm75 Member Posts: 263
    edited April 2011

    Thanks all, lots of good advice.

    £15 freeze-out on teh Friday before seems like a must, to try out my... chatty, not looking like I need a poo, non-hooded (don't want an execution), breathing, staring style :)

    See some of you in a few weeks...

    Dohhhh, you're fairly local, are you heading up/across - or just focussing on Vegas?

    Cheers, Dan

  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited April 2011
    In Response to Re: Live tells:
    In Response to Re: Live tells : Anybody that sits down at a poker table wearing shades and a hood up, should be dragged from their seat (I will gladly volunteer!) and marched to a place of public flogging, and from there marched to a place of public execution. Pretentious, self important ttwats. NO mitigation!!!
    Posted by SILEEK
    I do not understand some words in this post.

    Some of which i does understand tho i agree, i dislike sitting at a table with Shades and hoody on, however when i get frustrated my eyes waunder and i smile or laugh etc. The hood helps darken the shades and the hands cover my mouth. Even if i dislike it, i have to get by,
  • JockBMWJockBMW Member Posts: 2,653
    edited April 2011
    You have to realise that there are some tells that are unique to live play that you will often get away with on-line.

    I had an amazingly obvious tell that didn't manifest itself until I started playing live.  It took a few weeks before any of the regular "live" players let me in on the fact that they all knew whenever I was bluffing....

    Apparently standing up and screaming "Fold ya F*****" when your bluffing is a "Live" tell
  • Kiwini4uKiwini4u Member Posts: 3,830
    edited April 2011
    In Response to Re: Live tells:
    You have to realise that there are some tells that are unique to live play that you will often get away with on-line. I had an amazingly obvious tell that didn't manifest itself until I started playing live.  It took a few weeks before any of the regular "live" players let me in on the fact that they all knew whenever I was bluffing.... Apparently standing up and screaming "Fold ya F*****" when your bluffing is a "Live" tell
    Posted by JockBMW
    I should be alright then, I am sure that my "Please fold, please fold, please fold" comments won't be noticed
  • pod1pod1 Member Posts: 4,377
    edited April 2011
    durrrrr v ivy, bluff v bluff was prob the best poker face i ever seen(durrs that is). hand on the table and he never took his eyes off the flop whilst ivy was staring him out for what must have seemed like hrs. ps prob the best bluff ever seen on tv
  • TRIP5TRIP5 Member Posts: 3,618
    edited April 2011
    Don't worry..tells affect most players at all the spt most people will also be newish to the live scene and as you (hopefully) progress into the later stages you should be able to iron some out...

    When you make a raise to get called and everyone folds, try to think back over the did you put your chips in, how much was the raise, how much time did you give yourself before putting your chips across the line? the same goes for when you're stealing the blinds and everyone calls...was your raise tentative, too quick, not enough etc...analyse your own play as much as other peoples and you wont go far wrong!!

    Its more important to have fun at the tables, play your hands and if you bink a win then wooooo-hoooooo happy times!!!!

    If it makes you feel any better MickJenn1 has a terribad live tell when he's bluffing ;o)

  • pod1pod1 Member Posts: 4,377
    edited April 2011
    i was starting to worry about you irene, hadnt seen any posts since your bday. thought you might have had alcohol poisioning!!

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