This thread was originally started by myself, last night, & was going along nicely. Unfortunately, it got removed due to an error by myself
The issue of inappropriate Rail Chat has reared it's ugly head again.
Many of you saw the ridiculous nonsense being Posted on the Rail of a big Table a few days ago, & this is severely disturbing to the players, who were playing for 5 figure sums.
However, the amount on the Table is relative - it's just as wrong if it is a £1 Heads-Up game as a £10k Heads-Up game - players should be able to play their game without being abused by uneducated & ill-mannered idiots.
If you see this, please report it to Customer Care immediately, & the appropriate action will be taken.
Starting a Forum thread will have absolutely no effect - the system, as most of you now know, does not work like that. This is the Community, it's looked after in the main by volunteers, who do not make business decisions. Customer Care is thataway......
We ALL have a responsibility here, it's no good pointing fingers at others, or Sky Poker. Together, we need to work together to keep this place what it is - different, special, small enough that we can sall help shape it, & make a difference.
If you see Rail Chat abuse, please report it to Customer Care.
There were a few questions raised on the original thread, I'll reply to them shortly, such as I can remember them.
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To confirm, yes, the appropriate action was taken in the case of the gross abuse that happened the other night. Such action will be taken about anyone abusing their chat privileges.
Sky Poker have an absolute right to withdraw any players chat facility without notice, & will not hesitate to do so if need be. It can be insta-removed, & when necessary, it will be.
Someone asked if the money in the accounts of those who abuse others on the Rail can be seized.
No, it cannot, not under any circumstances. Imagine the trolls & Area 51-ers reaction to that!
Players account balances are sacrosant.
Can their Accounts be closed? Yes, if Sky Poker deem it so, but that is a matter between Sky Poker & the player, & would not normally be made known to others.
How long does it take to sort?
If all the correct evidence is supplied to Customer Care it can be sorted immediately. However, it's usually the case that only half the evidence is provided, & it is not always accurate.
If reporting a Chat Abuser, Customer Care need....
1) The players screen name, correctly spelt.
2) The game in which they were playing.
3) If possible, Cut & Paste the abuse & pass it to Customer Care.
If all this is done properly, the matter can & will be dealt with instantly. If not, it takes a little longer.
If your chat privileges are removed, can they be reinstated?
Yes, of course. This can often be arranged quite quickly - say within 10 years.
Don't go there, it's not easy to get chat rights reinstated, & that's by design.
Someone suggested it would be wrong, unpopular, & a bad thing if regular players were banned from chatting on the Rail.
Which is correct on all counts, & is a solution of last resort.
However, if the problem cannot be solved by the means suggested, there is no doubt in my mind that Sky Poker would consider it. They would have no choice.
We need to bring an end to it.
It's a very simple thing, & it revolves around respect for others. It's not that hard, really.
Any more questions?
Next case!
Sigh, don't even go there, Neil.
Someone asking ME about how to use the interwebz? That's a new one!
"Cut & Paste" means copy some text & place it somewhere else.
You "copy" it, ("cut") & then post it elsewhere ("paste"). Hence, "C & P".
I'm sure there's a button somewhere that does it better & quicker, but I just use the "copy" facility in "EDIT" & then "Paste", also from Edit.
If anyone else wants a little help with these sort of things, I'll organise a special thread, & get some of our more techie/geeky players - machka ftw - to field the questions.
Everyone thinks everyone else is internet-wise, but many of us are not, & don't like to ask, for fear of being ridiculed. Ask away, & if anyone wants to be a smart-Alec, I'll have them shot.
Move on, nothing to see here.
Most people who watch The My Name Is on channel 865 will notice that the one thing that comes over again and again is "The community ". Yes this involves the forums but also the table chat
and as the point is made in the OP this should not matter at what level the buy in WE ALL HAVE A RIGHT TO PLAY WITHOUT BEING ABUSED.
The vast majority on Sky Poker do of course respect the privileges (and they are privileges) but as always the odd few get in there and like to wind people up and cause a bit of bother, and even in some cases go as far as racial abuse and threaten physical abuse this cannot be acceptable it just can't. People do this as they feel untouchable online, and think they can get away with it all. These same people probably wouldn't even say boo to you if playing live.
The danger is that these people will win at the end of the day and chat WILL be banned, the old argument is if you don't to run the risk turn your chat off ...Why the **** should we it's part of what makes Sky Poker so good.
I have made many friends on here since I joined and all through The Community.
Don't let them win the day
Don't Leave it to others to report
Do something about it yourself and report them your not being "a grass or snitch" you're protecting players at the tables
all the tools you need are right here on the site cut and paste the chat open a customer care online chat up and do it, you don't even have to leave your game.
As the saying goes You don't realize what you've got till it's gone, and as sure as eggs is eggs another thread will stat up about how unfair it all is that chat has been banned TOO LATE by then
As a footnote to Sky would it not be possible to name and shame
ps sorry about the essay but it really gets me annoyed
Then you can right click and select copy or you can also press Ctrl and C on your keyboard at the same time.
Then to paste it in say a text document like notepad, word or on here just right click again and select paste or press Ctrl and V on your keyboard.
POTW by Scouser, sums it up a treat.
Name & shame? We hear that request a lot, but no, it is not possible, due to the Data-Protection Act.
As a sidenote, I had to take a course on Data Protection this week, it's a right minefield. At the end of the Course, there was a quiz, 10 questions. I got nine right. "Not good enough" said the Big Cheese. Marv.
So no, "name & shame" is not possible, I'm afraid. But action WILL be taken against chat abuse if Sky Poker know about it, be assured.