OMG steve how sky is changing,
You deleted my post this morning on the grounds that it had no place on a poker forum.
I fundermentaly disagree with you on this, It was meant to put me in a good frame of mind before I started to play cash, very important to be in a good frame of mind when playing poker. The alternative is normally tilt.
More importantly than this it was intended to put others on Sky in a good frame of mind as well.
I have loved sky for nearly two years and much of this is because of the community spirit that exists here, I consider this a strong point of the site.
If you are going to take away the ability for some of us to have a little joke and amusement between ourselves here, you will be changing Sky forever.
As I look around the forum I see doom and gloom in some of the posts from people I would never have thort would be this way.
My post, Bonneville's thort for the day, had no swareing, can not seriously be offensive in any way, is a very old joke and in my expirience makes women and men laugh out loud together.
So Steve can you put my post back, I think it does belong on here, do you not want your players to be friends and light hearted together which is what this community has always stood for. This community is suposed to belong to us and as such we should be able to say what we like shurely as long as there is no offence intended.
Poker is for adults and my joke would be ok even for children.
If you can not decide on this, I request that you ask TK to make the desision.
If TK says keep it off that's ok by me.
TY Bonny
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Hi Bonny
Please don't take this personally, it's certainly not meant to be. The Mods are not here to get personal, just to make the community more enjoyable for everyone. They do a great job.
Of course we want people to have fun and a laugh on the community (which is why we let Tikay on!) but we have to draw the line somewhere. I dont believe your post was offensive just not right for a poker community. I hope you understand.
Thanks and have a good weekend!
Sky Poker Team
Please accept my sincere apologies
shoulda stayed imo. but it wasnt poker related so perhaps it shoulda been moved to the shed, not deleted.
if your up for some banter mate check this out details HERE