We have a home game every week where we play £1/2 £50 min £200max buy in.
Its in a local hotel so we use a fuction room, about 20 or so of us. Over the last 3 months each time we've cashed out the cash has always been short when an individual plays.
We always allocate an individual to be the "banker", responsible for handling monies/chips, but there are excess chips lying around.
Painful thing is its usually myself and three other guys sat there at the end. Tonight i finshed around 900% in profit, but the monies were once again about 10% shy, so as always the last few players absorb the discrepencies evenly.
Having a good idea who the culprit may be, how do you approach the issue? Freeze him out, watch like a hawk or openly confront?
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You should also sort out the money and chip situation. This needs to be a heck of a lot tighter by the sounds of it. Is there easy access to excess chips? This should never happen, to the point where you keep the chips in a lockable suitcase at the very least.
2. Ask the banker why his kitty is down!
3. Make sure people protect their chipstacks.
Dunno how there can be a descrepancy if the above adhered to
As someone says it is conjecture and I wouldnt like to accuse a friend mistakenly. We've all come up together and Its just an unpleasant situation. But somebody may indeed be using said individual as a scapegoat as someone commented, thieves do have highly developed underhand techniques.
Thing is it really is the same 3 guys that cash out at the end. So whoever is doing it isnt benefiting as they are still going broke, they are just putting a downer on the end of the evening.
I think I'm going to arrange an alternate set of chips in play next time I go.
You really need to step up and be vigilant when someone leaves table etc to make sure no chips depart from said table as well/.....several other tricks too but i cannot imagine a freind stealin money unless of course they are a total c....t................
enjoy the games more and concentrate on running/organising it properly and u wont go far WRONG....GLGL
I have come across similar many times in my life as I have run some very large and famous pubs.
If you know some money is missing but do not now who is responsible, you have to assume it is possibly more than 1 person. Very often people do not have the guts to operate solely on their own.
If you confront anyone without proof you are in serious trouble, remember that anyone who has the front to do this will more than likely be prepared to enter a fight with you, so never be exposed. If you are a hard case this is not a problem. If not make sure you have people around who are not intimidated, where money is involved so is potential problems that you will never see coming.
The best thing to do is get everyone together next time and before you start, explain to all exactly what has been happening and do not leave anyone out. It is a massive mistake for some to know and not others.
If you are observant you will straight away see who looks iffy, but even if you have proof do not name anyone.
Effectively you have relieved yourself of some pressure here and possible consequences.
A lot of the time once everyone knows it will sort its self out and you must be aware that you make yourself a prime suspect by not informing everyone, they will find out.
Anyway everyone who pays in has the right to know. Once everyone is aware they can all decide to carry on or not. Usually whoever was at it will disappear.
If like me you are the sort who has to find out you must set a trap but I would not recommend this as you need serious capabilities for every eventuality after you know.
Not much is missing by the sound of it, it does matter but not sufficient to put yourself in a confrontation over.
Remember this is a nasty world and you can never really know anyone. My advice is, dissolve the game Stop now.
After a couple of weeks start again and invite the people who you trust.
I feel for you because whatever you do now something bad has happened and this will never go away ever, the longer you keep the situation going the more potential there is for it to turn and bite you.
I only hope that if you tell 20 people what has happened they don't start a fight.
What are you on about AJW??
Dont know how to take you..... when did i ever say i was the host? I think you'll find i said I dont play there too often.
This is good advice and thankyou.
I have started a private thread on facebook with about 7 of the regs, discussing soloutions. Many have fingered an individual but luckily, as you say here, I have asked them not to speculate as without evidence it is unfair. I am in full agreement with you.
Thing is this is a local profitable night for me. I've puuled about £3600 out of it in the last 9 weeks, having gone 5 or 6 times. I am my far the nit at this table, but its the right play at this table I got some guy to put in £500 with ducks on a King high flop last night after I'd only played 5 hands in 3 hours. They are insane.
So obviously I dont want to upset the status quo.
I think the best soloution is what you say here. Announce diplomatically that there is this known issue next time without pointing fingers. Ask everyone to be vigilant. Play cash cash, no chips. Should fix it.
Kick him in the bolox and he wont be short again.