the hand was played out on show last night and both lol and tikay said i played it wrong, at the time i put in the chat box that i played it wrong to! question is whbar4004Small blind 125.00125.0015360.25pod1Big blind 250.00375.008592.50 Your hole cards55 sikasFold tallytinkRaise 750.001125.008415.00Wacko90Fold bar4004Fold pod1Call 500.001625.008092.50Flop 5AK pod1Check tallytinkBet 1000.002625.007415.00pod1Call 1000.003625.007092.50Turn A pod1Bet 1812.505437.505280.00tallytinkFold pod1Muck pod1Win 3625.00 8905.00pod1Return 1812.500.0010717.50at would have been the best way to play it? i had him on an ace, with a raise from early pos and the raise on the flop, so when the turn came i thought it was right to lead out (lol and tikay said i shouldnt have done). ob my thinking was wrong and i would like some help to tell me where i went wrong phil
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I usually c/r flop, its villain dependent though
dont lead turn, I prob c/r as played