quite simple really.
exactly the same as the vegas qualifiers from the small stake sats down to the final.
the only difference being.............no vegas trip but £10k instead!
if there is a problem with a 10k gtd game it could stipulate a minimum amount of players in the final,which would be 10 obviously.all of whom have qualified through the sats.
im sure everyone would rather have the trip of a lifetime as skys guest at vegas but when the last final has been played maybe sky can carry on the same game with the 10k for winning.........
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if you had a 1k tourny the money would get split down % wise
See below
First: 20/5/2009
Last: 22/4/2011
The next VLV Final will be on January 30th, & there will FIVE Finals in all this year, being January, February, March, April, & May.
It has been decided to change the payout structure for the "Seat Bubble", that is to say, the player who misses the Seat by one spot.
Previously, ALL the "spare" money went to the seat bubble. This resulted in as much as £9,000 in two cases being awarded where there were, say, 19, or 29, runners.
With immediate effect, this will now change.
The "left over" element of the Prize Pool - the cash element - will be split into THREE, on the basis of 50%, 30%, & 20%.
So, if there are, say, 25 runners, there will be two £10,000 packages, with £5,000 "left over".
This £5,000 would be split 50%, 30% & 20% to the THIRD, FOURTH & FIFTH places.
If there were 18 runners, & thus 1 £10k package, the £8,000 would be split 50%, 30% & 20% between 2nd, 3rd & 4th places.
This change will remain in place until further notice, though, like all things, the Suits will re-examine it &/or modify it in the light of player-experience.
All constructive feedback welcome.