Mornin, I was thinking, if pigs really did fly, the best job in the world would be testin Jet Engines.
On lookin at the threads I was drawn to Sim's thread about online poker being rigged or not rigged.
Let me say first that I do not think Sky is fixed but am absolutely convinced the big sites are.
My own personal worst experiences have been at Full Tilt and on the Rush tables.
In a three month period I played 50,000 hands of rush and my % of wins in allin situations was so cr ap that I can not even remember them.
It got so I was only starting with group 1 2 and occasionally 3's.
Some of the things were just plain ridiculous and when I started reading some of the top names in the game saying,"Its one of the quickest and most frustrating ways to loose money" I stopped.
When I analysed it with poker tracker I found that I had created hundreds of dollars in rake for the site lost my depo which was only 90 but more importantly nothing stood out, bullets had held up far more than I thort for instance.
After studying I decided that most of the damage was done in allin situations where I was miles in front was called by someone who should never have made the call and they won the hand.
It does not take many allin's to decimate a bankroll like mine, and I think makin 90 last as long as I did was an achievement.
So I decided to carry on but not play rush, one of my forums ran a series of freerolls in Jan so I did this 5 a day with fields up to 3,600 4000 or so. It was a completely different game my big hands held my vpip was 6 to 12% great.
At the end I was well in the top 100 and the top 200 got to a final where I came 4th and made 120usd a bit more than I depoed in the first place.
The thing is this series carried on in feb so I did as well but when I made my bankroll back which I thort was lost forever, I immediately emptied my account and cashed the lot out.
Now I could not win a hand, for 3 weeks until I stopped. My son cashed out at the same time as me because he was also being turned over.
You think what you like but I am positive in my thorts.
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The OP spends time on making a well structed post and you come in and post about one word thats spelt wrong, well done, you must feel big.
This caused me much trouble when I was young and although my nickname at school was the professor given by the teachers, it was not a time that was forgiving.
Up until the last few years I would never of dreamt of writing anything on public view.
This is something else poker has given me, but to be honest I am of an age now where I don't give a ****.
Also to disguise this I often use Brumy speak and say I have been drinking to disguise the fact now the cat is out the bag.
Also in my life I have used shortening of words and abbreviation a lot so is it ok if I refer to you in future as TOS.
GL see you at the tables and thanks to all who replied
ps. If you look up thort in the urban dictionary it exists. I was expecting at least some pictures with a title like ''Thort of the day''
although irene trip5 might give me a run for our money lol
i also wonder why abbreviation is such a long word?
Wanna HU chat-off???
If that is indeed the case, then my apologies abound. I said if...