Question for James.... don't want to be nosey.......but!! Whats the most you've ever won in a day?? answer in 4 figure sum, 5 figure sum ................or 6 figure sum will do. Just curious as to what swings you must take.... understand if you don't answer
a quiz question for trev - 1 - who has scored more goals in fa cup finals 2 - who were the teams 3 - what where the years answers to follow Posted by spornybol
answers - 1- ian rush 5 gls 2- everton twice and sunderland 3 1986 - 89 and 92
you cheeky so an so rich, ok i should have put against, i`m now nearly in ore off trev, if he can answer this then he is the true master. i will word this right for you rich pre - ian rush move to juventus, every time he scored first, liverpool never lost, but there was one team liverpool lost too, 1 - who where the team 2 - what was year Posted by spornybol
older people have more spare time,in some cases they have the money to keep going,they dont go out at night so much,there are many older people who are on there own, so poker is a great time killer
question for trev Which British footballer scored in 3 consecutive World Cups against teams from 3 different continents? Joe Jordan. First goal was against Zaire in 1974, then against Peru in 1978, then against USSR in 1982. Posted by LINSTA
Its a good website isn,t it? - lol - see page 1
For anyone interested in the Sopranos its started again on Sky atlantic from the 1st epeisode of the first series on Wednesday nights at 9pm - just about to watch episode 6 on Sky +
the question for trev is (dont know if he's been asked this before) what was the name of the gameshow on challenge tv that Orford used to present?
Defectors ( i only knew that cause they showed a re run of it the other day lol)
1 - who has scored more goals in fa cup finals
2 - who were the teams
3 - what where the years
answers to follow
1- ian rush 5 gls
2- everton twice and sunderland
3 1986 - 89 and 92
Question for james..
if you think a player is really bad do you ever ask them for a HU game ?
Arsenal player from Hitchin is Jack Wilshire
i will word this right for you rich
pre - ian rush move to juventus, every time he scored first, liverpool never lost, but there was one team liverpool lost too,
1 - who where the team
2 - what was year
1 - arsenal
2 - 1987
1 - wash an go - my hair went or 2 - get married ??
and most old people may have old bodies,but their brain is young,im about 28 lol
For anyone interested in the Sopranos its started again on Sky atlantic from the 1st epeisode of the first series on Wednesday nights at 9pm - just about to watch episode 6 on Sky +