I've come to the conclusion I'm truly cursed. It's followed me all my gambling life.
Tonight : AA 2nd hand on cash table. Flush comes runner runner after me betting out. Ho Ho.
5th hand I flop top pair and bet out twice to be caught by straight on river. Ho ho.
Flop 2 sets. No action even though I've been aggro as, all through.
It's been symptomatic all my life.
Lochsong lost me more money than it won me. Google the beauty. I even caught it early.
Almost a mathematical impossibility that I could lose on Greece's Euro win due to offers available by the upcoming on-line bookie's offers. I lost.
I've a mate who's an accountant whom I regale with my tales. He laughs and laughs and laughs and tells me it's almost impossible. He's pretty much calculated that the lottery's mine. But predicts I'll lose the ticket.
I'm thouroughly sick of it.
Don't get me wrong. My life is good. My son is a wonder and a thing of beauty. I get far more good looking girls than my big lugs afford me. And laughs have been aplenty in my life. But my gambling luck is just beyond the pale. Beyond ridiculous.
I read so many threads about suck-outs. I've, admittedly had one, maybe two, but the hundreds agaianst me balance that out.
I'm not a plonker Dohhhhhh. I ain't blaming anything. Confuscious taught me well. But I'm plum un-fin-lucky.
Maybe a thread for Area 51, I dunno. I just needed to vent.
But what're the options? Work for my wages and look after my lawn? Ha, ha, drawn out ha. Primo's how much 2mro?
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