Recently left Sky to play at stars but struggled and got bored of games there. My main leak is BR management so starting next week some time i am going toi deposit about £400 into Sky playing only 10p/20p standard tables. I will multi table at 4 for starters and i feel i can beat this level as long as i manage my tilt and dint spew money HU or Tourneys.
never done this before as played recreationally ainly beofre and made about £700 in 2 months but that was the worst BR managemnt. So i really just want your tips on those who multi tbale at any stakes and any rules they use if thye are doing well or bad whether to leave the table when your a buy in up or reload if you bust as i tend not to although i may of got it in good. I intend to play 3 hour seessions every night and am really interested on your thoughts and all tips will be greatly appreciated
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