Happy Easter!
I'm back from New York and ready for four hours of fun on channel 865. Sunday night is Primo night: the tournament, with its guaranteed £12,500 prizepool, begins at 8pm (you can register HERE) and the TV show starts at 9pm.
In addition to almost-live action from Primo, you can expect to see hands from this week's Viva Las Vegas Semi-Final, plus one of our mid-stakes cash tables.
Carlo Citrone is my wingman this evening, so I'm asking the following question...
What gets Carlo EGG-cited?
(Apologies for the appalling Easter-themed pun!) We know Tikay's obsessed with trains and that Trevor's passion is Arsenal FC, but what floats Carlo's boat? Can you guess what gives Mr Citrone a thrill, other than poker?
Plus, see if you can REALLY get Carlo's juices flowing by sending in a brilliant hand from Primo for him to analyse. (We're not interested in seeing your AA get cracked by KK, or your top set lose to a rivered flush, because, quite frankly, no-one cares!) This is an opportunity for you to show-off an audacious bluff or an awesome hero call. And, if someone manages to get Carlo properly excited, we may just award a spot prize 
Remember, you can post in this forum thread, or e-mail skyopen@bskyb.com
I'm going to give away a tournament entry in the first half-hour of the show.
Make sure you're watching at 9pm to hear the question!
: )
Have a good show guys.
I think we all know Carlo gets EGGcited about exercising and making Orfords cheap suit jackets look even cheaper.
....yes, quite.....

Anyhooooo, moving swiftly on
I think Mr Citrone looks like a man who enjoys a bit of golf....???
My question for you this evening is.....does anyone actually receive an Easter Egg as an adult?? And if so, then why do I never receive one?!!!
I obviously buy for all my neices and nephews, plus I also buy for my one sister who does not yet have a child....but once she enters the world of motherhood, that's it, I'm cutting her off....... If I bought an egg for every close family member it would be waaaaaaaay too eggspensive??
(PS. Any unwanted eggs will be gratefully received)
He said yes he did want it.
Luckily for me I have already taken it from the fridge, removed the foil and was eating it before he had the chance to reply.
would really love to see this hand to put my mind at rest... hate folding tptk at any time, but it just felt like he was drawing and the draw got there- was check/folding maybe a little too passive?
Still trying to settle into the game again after finishing 5th on the vegas semi... play is a little... different in the primo, to say the least!