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Hand posting

CrazyBen23CrazyBen23 Member Posts: 865
edited April 2011 in Community Help & Advice
It never shows the picture of the cards just alot of writing.. tried posting in both IE and FF, for example...

PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancecyberdogSmall blind £0.25£0.25£43.72BULLYBOY10Big blind £0.50£0.75£71.24 Your hole cardsKK   CrazyBen23Call £0.50£1.25£59.00robber180Raise £1.00£2.25£45.71loz_louFold    JammyBeeCall £1.00£3.25£51.25Ozzie08Fold    cyberdogRaise £2.75£6.00£40.97BULLYBOY10Fold    CrazyBen23All-in £59.00£65.00£0.00robber180All-in £45.71£110.71£0.00JammyBeeFold    cyberdogFold    CrazyBen23Unmatched bet £12.79£97.92£12.79CrazyBen23ShowKK   robber180Show88   Flop  937   Turn  4   River  5   CrazyBen23WinPair of Kings£96.12 £108.91


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