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dont normally really post that much on ere, but ive had a few and thought id share my thoughts with ya all lol...just thinkin am i the jimmy white of the poker world??? just finished 7th in the 9pm bounty tourney tonight losin on an ace flush to a fullhouse on the river! ive made 4 final tables (open 3 times, and the 15k bounty) in the past couple of months but no matter what i cant seem to get over that final hurdle lol! as nice as it to win some pretty decent cash i just want to be able to claim ive won the open or something lol...anyway im gonna go and continue to drown my sorrows :-) ....cheers for listenin to this pointless post! g/l at the tables!...
Sometimes the need to win it makes you blind to the other guys hand and so dipping too soon is something to overcome. I posted some tactical notes of Wardonkey on the area 51 section and although Wardonkey is an stt specialist his advice is very applicable to final table play in an mtt. Have a read of them they might help.
The point being is once your at the final table of an online tournament usually the blinds have overtaken your options , your either all-in or passing and given that your then in what would be a possible 50/50 race !!
This is where the luck element comes in to play much more .. To win tournaments you need your big hands to hold up and your 50/50s to go your way ....It will happen , you just need the poker fairy to sit with you till the end !!
glk wp benny
If you are getting that deep on a regular basis then it will come in the end. You just haven't had that bit of luck yet. I'm sure when you river a FH vs some poor guys nut flush you wont really be that bothered when you take down the £1kplus payday!
yeash true i forgot he actually played poker and he fairly decent too! so i suppose comparin myself to him aint all that bad then lol...especially as i am bold and do like the occasional beverage .....its uncanny
Dont want to be a downer or out but what you gonna think when when you dont cash for lets say a couple of months and your on a thats depressing
Ricky Villa .. You play Kaluki as well ? great game