Last night Carlo came up with the statement that luck evens out; in the arguement that you can take luck out of the overall equation and skill will rise to the top. Skill will rise to the top but luck does not always even out. The average person has an average amount of good and bad luck. But ,around this there are those who have more or less than their fair share . It is incredibly good luck ( 50mill to 1 ) to win the lottery twice but it has happened. The counter balance to that is you catch something nasty ( Weils disease say 5 mill to one ). There is no way the extreme good luck would be balanced by following it with extrreme bad luck. For one thing if that did happen it would not be seen as balanced but as ridiculously bad/good luck. No, as with all things there is variance about the mean and for some people their share of good or bad luck does not even out which is why , on a losing streak, you should not chase your losses in the mistaken belief luck will change.
The skilled player knowing he is on a run of bad luck will try to avoid situations - such as races - where luck is a key component.
For most players luck will even out but for some it won't - or it will take a long time .
Carlo is a great character and a valuable addition to the team but can we have more of what he would do or what he thinks the player should do when he is describing the hands.
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You can say what you would do when looking at the cards, but they haven't seen the table dynamics.
I agree with dudeskin, you do make alot of your own luck.
Btw totally agree with dudeskin
Good grief - its too late to get this deep. glld luck all.
Response to Re: luck:
Even Live yesterday all in pre AA v 99, river 9 ouch for 3/4 of stack i need some run good juice wheres Mickjenn when u need him :P