Ok peeps, here's the deal for the live shows this week on Sky Poker TV. THURSDAY 28TH James Hartigan will be joined by the man who surely should have been in Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels as some hardnut London gangster, Mr. Ian Fraser. As it's the last Thursday of the month, they'll be covering the cards in the £220 Doublestack with an elite field of 60 runners and some tasty action on the go. Playing in the tourney from his hotel room in Walsall will be Tikay, as he preps for the invasion of Sky Poker at the GUKPT this weekend. Quite what he'll he doing in his hotel room after that, is anyone's guess. But I hear there's a full selection of TV channels to choose from on the in-room entertainment system, if you catch my drift. Tikay will be on the phone throughout the show and no doubt not playing a single hand until he's down to 2 BBs. SATURDAY 30TH Anna Fowler is back! And so is Tikay! (Have you noted that so far we've kept Carlo away from Anna? Just saying...) They'll be doing Mastercash of course with the ever popular Top of The Pots from midnight. It's Cash 300 all the way with bigger buy-ins and bigger max sit-downs which, all in all, makes for a bigger and more exciting game! Throughout the show they'll be updates on how Team Sky Poker are doing at the GUKPT in Walsall and no doubt I'll be on the phone moaning about my tournament exit (at midday). SUNDAY MAY 1ST I'll be sat behind the desk with Trevor Harris and I'll probably spend the first hour or so laughing derisively at the total collapse of Arsenal these past couple of months. Once I've composed myself and Trev has picked up all the toys he's thrown out the pram we'll be covering the Sunday big one: The Primo. PLEASE NOTE- In the unlikely event that I go deep in the Walsall event, I won't be hosting the show. Lord Lucan and Elvis will be instead. On the backs of flying pigs. In ****. As it freezes over. And...well, you get the point. So, plenty to get your teeth into this week. And now- for a sneaky peak at May's line-up of guests: Confirmed so far we have Julian Thew, Marc Goodwin and Paul Jackson. Gotta love that! Keep watching! Channel 865 on Sky or, if you don't have Sky, simply click on the live stream from the homepage of this very site!
Looks a great line-up Rich, though you had me worried at first, thought you meant Tikay would be on the phone to the studio whilst perusing the various tv channels in his hotel room... *shudder*
Looks a great line-up Rich, though you had me worried at first, thought you meant Tikay would be on the phone to the studio whilst perusing the various tv channels in his hotel room... *shudder* Posted by RossMc
Ty Ross. To be fair, the only specialist channel that Tikay would pay £8.95 for to have some 'alone-time' in a hotel room is Railway TV.
Er, I'm guessing it's £8.95 for these hotel films anyway...
I guess in both cases regarding those two types of shows you could attribute the words "buffering", "blowing off steam" and "first class under carriage"
I guess in both cases regarding those two types of shows you could attribute the words "buffering", "blowing off steam" and "first class under carriage" Posted by RossMc
And in both cases, the subjects would be 'going like a train'...
Nice to see Paul Jackson back. He is very knowledgable and knows how to get his point across. Top, top booking! Nice one! Good luck at GUKPT Rich and also the team. Ineresting to see how you all get on. Rich, who do you think will go furthest out of the Sky team and why? Posted by DrSharp
Ty Doc. We have such a strong line-up that any one of us could take it down. If you were forced to put your house on it for a last-longer you'd have to go with Wayne who manages to avoid trouble-spots and consistently go deep.
But, on their day, Dan and Redmond are unstoppable. (Similar with James, but he's not playing this one). So the question is, will it be their day?
As for this month's qualifiers- SolidStan has proved he's no pushover winning his place on the team against a tough field although I have no idea what he's like live or indeed whether he's played very much offline. Scotty77 on the other hand is an aggro player, plays live regularly and if he gets chips, could be a dark horse.
I haven't got the other player names to hand. So, tough one- out that lot as I say, Wayne is most likely to avoid putting his chips at unnecessary risk but, on a hunch, I think it's Reds turn this time.
Can't wait till Thirsday and the return of Ian Fraser, top bloke and my fave player, happy days Posted by YouKnowsIt
FWIW i dont agree here, think he's a top bloke but seems to miss alot and advise bad plays from what i have seen, maybe its early nerves? or he's trying to make everyone bad lol
No Ed Giddins I see. I've heard that he's off doing a reality TV programme, Come Dine With Me or something like that. Hope it's not that Embarrassing Bodies programme! Yikes.
***Breaking news*** we may have a guest on Sunday's show after all- another one of Neil Channing's proteges with some serious pedigree and a terrific onscreen presence.
Watch this space...
PS- We're always on the lookout for quality poker guests and as it's your show, maybe you can help! If you happen to be out and about at a live tournament over the coming months and come across a well-known player or someone you think would be perfect on the show, then sound them out as to whether they'd be up for doing a show and if they seem up for it, then let us know here on the forum and we'll do the rest!
PPS- Is anyone likely to run into Tom Dwan this weekend? Just thought I'd check...
Well played Mr Orford.
1) The image of Tikay spending £8.95 on hotel TV channels
That is all.
Good luck at GUKPT Rich and also the team. Ineresting to see how you all get on. Rich, who do you think will go furthest out of the Sky team and why?
Citrone is pretty good tho thumbs up!
I've heard that he's off doing a reality TV programme, Come Dine With Me or something like that. Hope it's not that Embarrassing Bodies programme! Yikes.