This is a story that concerns one of the dealers at my local casino.
One of the dealers joined the team at my local casino for the only other casino in the town. He was told when he handed his notice in that he would be banned from playing at his old casino for three months. Well that was ok he thought I can drive the 60 miles to the nearest casino for a game for three months.
Three months after he changed casinos he walks into his old gaff only to be told he was banned for life from playing in the casino... So he's now stuck with a 60 mile drive whenever he wants to play a live casino game.
Needless to say he was less that pleased by this... so he proceeded to berate the old casino on his face book page.
Unfortunately this led to the casino banning all dealers from his new casino. So now all of the dealers have the same 60 mile trip to get a game.
Did he get away with it...... Mmmm No, not if the reaction to the other dealers is anything to go by ;o)
Brother to King Richard the Lion heart Lions fearlessly defend territory/ Orf is known as a viral disease mix these together, and you have the Lionorf a fearless and viral infection to all that cross him.
I'm fired up now- just hope that (a) I actually get some sleep (check the time of this post for more details) and (b) I don't embarrass myself tomorrow at the tourney.
; )
This could now be a mistake at work story too.
..........................'Nit.R.O.' MAN..............
King Richard the Lionorf
Brother to King Richard the Lion heart
Lions fearlessly defend territory/ Orf is known as a viral disease mix these together, and you have the Lionorf a fearless and viral infection to all that cross him.
Richard "The Analyst" Orford
Richard "The Rack" Orford
Richard "Pocket Rocket" Orford
Richard "Overlord" Orford (noun (n.) One who is lord over another or others; a superior lord; a master)
Gotta be RichR4PoorR! Is that too many letters?
no not meaning sky clair and mandy (HONEST )