i remember just before xmas LML entered a Omaha tourny with a prize of a seat in the santas sack thing for knocking her out. It was on of the most enjoyable and friendly tournaments ive ever played in, and made a differance of a few experianced players and a number of players who wherent that good (that includes me)
however omaha is something id like to seriously learn more of and develop at. So would it be possible to even get a small low stakes omaha game tevevised or even main evented once a week/month just to promote the game on the site?
sorry if this has been brought up before ive not been on enough recently
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sry couldnt resist!
Would be good if they could televise some omaha, but i dont think their software can handle it.
Also, in some ptp sessions PLO has been included, like the omhartigan and all rounders leagues and tikay and ed have done solely plo nights before. there is a demand for it! and yes it is fun!