i have only just started playing so this is a question. the experts always say go into the pot with a raise, this is good at higher level if you know what you are doing at the £1 £2 mtt stage. it seems to get people into trouble. they raise the pot. miss. and then get out played if i played lolufold and kept raising the pot nine times out of ten i would be out played and end up skint. so the question is at the begining are i better trying to see a cheap flop. then only playing strong hands
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Hi bigr.
Generally speaking, just calling is fine if you want to play passively, it might limit your losses for a little while but it could also get expensive and your bankroll will dwindle away because your not going to win many big pots that way. Its also a bad habit to get into.
It is much better to raise/bet than to just call imo. Try to get in the habit of being the person making the agressive move in pots rather than the one who is just calling and being led by the agressor.
Be brave. you wont be out played as often as you think when you raise and bet strongly. However, if you just limp into every pot your gonna be outplayed nearly every time. Play within your bankroll you will be fine.
Remember also that if you are playing 4nl for example that bluffing is not recommended as people will call very wide. So you need to maximise the value from your premium hands. So limping here with JJ and AK for example would be a crime, however, limping with small pocket pairs in early/mid postion is usually fine at the lower levels because if you hit a set its payday! I would always raise any pocket pair unopened from the button tho.
Good luck
Post flop isolated it isnt even so. Totally agree with what doh says.