Hit my set... great... but did i let beaneh get away too easily with my shove? Thought xxx had a flush draw, but could i of called with position, turn comes a blank, let beaneh fire again and then shove? Was happy taking it down there and then like
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancebeanehSmall blind £0.15£0.15£54.90xxxxBig blind £0.30£0.45£49.11 Your hole cards77 CrazyBen23Raise £0.90£1.35£32.76Jay_ManFold nuts1990Fold beanehRaise £3.60£4.95£51.30xxxxCall £3.45£8.40£45.66CrazyBen23Call £2.85£11.25£29.91Flop J73 beanehBet £7.00£18.25£44.30xxxxCall £7.00£25.25£38.66CrazyBen23All-in £29.91£55.16£0.00beanehFold xxxxCall £22.91£78.07£15.75xxxxShow9J CrazyBen23Show77 Turn A River 5 CrazyBen23WinThree 7s£76.27 £76.27PrevClose windowNext
[ ] Good read.
Hand History #367184264 (03:34 01/05/2011)
FWIW its irrespective of what comes on turn/river pretty simple shove with stacksizes, maybe flat if fruity but just giving chance for them to catch up
u have 50bbs behind with the guy who cold called the 3bet