My First Primo
So I fancied ago in the Primo at 8pm for £55 but I was unsure has I have never played it before and did not want to waste £55, so I decided to go in a £11 Bounty hunter in the hope of winning my entre fee to the primo, 64 starters in the Bounty all was going well first hour in and I have taken one head slow played AA against Q10, Q on the flop player shoves I call AA holds up.
In to the second hour AK I shove called with AJ flop drops K and then K on the river second head taken going well up to 13,240 I thought Until I’m all in with 10 10 get called with AJ Ace flopped, just lost half my stake
Two hands later I shove all in with my 99 get called with Ac8c on the flop drops a 9 did not take a head but won anyway, All went quiet until I hit a big hand QQ no messing I shove all in 5455.00 got called By AJ off Flop K64 Turn 9 River AGame over for me, I took two heads so that’s £12.19.
Primo sat starts at 17:00 hours for £12:00 oh well might as well have ago,
I’m in Jeezus 149 players need to finish 29th for a place or 30th for £44 never really hit much just raise in position and they fold kept my chips around 3500 all the time, they were dropping like flies, down to 32 player left.
AK I shove in position with no callers take small blind and big blind 1800 chips moves me up to 25th . Bubble time and on a break, while on the break I decided to go for 30th place and take the £44.00 Break over I tell all my fellow players what I am going to do, I shove first hand with A6 off no callers and game ends I finish 25th so I made the primo
Primo Time 252 players cash at 30th
I remember my brother POKERTREV saying it’s a hard game and you don’t get a lot of hands, with this in mind game starts with 2000 chips and he was right first hour I had nothing down to 1500 chips. Second hour and four minuets in I’m in position with KQ off I raise and get a re-raise I call flop drops three hearts so I pretend I have the flush I raise he re-raises but because I have watched him play I think he is bluffing so I shove and I’m right he folds I take 1340 chips.
Its now 21:31pm I hit As Js I’m down to 2095 chips so I shove and get called with AK oops I thought to my self, flop drops 9 4 A poker gods must have been on my side because like a little angle on the turn drops a J river 7 I double up nice
Its now 22:25 not had much won and lost got 2915 chips on the BB, SB Raises I thought he was trying to pinch my BB I have A9 off So I shove he calls with A7 off flop 10 K 4 Turn shows a 9 river 4 I double up 6630.00 chips
Again never really hit much after that lost more then I won down to 32 players now I’m playing slower then slow just holding in 31 players then all of a sudden I made the cash made it to the third hour by this time it was 23:17pm it was 600 and 1200 a go so I had less then ten BB first hand back i shove with A6 off no callers second hand first to act I hit KK I shove big chipper raise he shows AA Aces hold and I’m out of there finishing 28th and picking up £94.50 Nice
A true story by rawhand aka Rob
Very enjoyable read! Well done on the cash!
cant wait for hands in any of these tourneys its just about picking good spots and pick on the bad players, loosen up next time and enjoy urself but nice cash
Now you have to take all that you have gained playing on line into playing LIVE! (I saw Trev at Walsall and he agreed with me)