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Oi oi! You can qualify for the GUKPT Summer Series on Sky Poker now!



  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,099
    edited May 2011
    In Response to Re: Oi oi! You can qualify for the GUKPT Summer Series on Sky Poker now!:
    hi tikay another fantastic chance for all skyplayers to make a mark like dan and ryan doing us all proud are these summer tournys 2 start time flight 1a and 1b as you put it would be easier for some if it was if not no matter thank you mark
    Posted by sara36dd08
    No, as far as I am aware, Mark, they only have one opening day Flight, which will start at Noon. I need to check that, but I think that's the case.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,099
    edited May 2011
    In Response to Re: Oi oi! You can qualify for the GUKPT Summer Series on Sky Poker now!:
    In Response to Re: Oi oi! You can qualify for the GUKPT Summer Series on Sky Poker now! : Thanks, but does that mean they can keep re entering up to end of registration, or are they restricted to the one time (although i realise that would be expensive) and usually in these how long would registration last (at what level)
    Posted by loonytoons
    Hi Loony,

    I'll deal with your PM (on the other matter) tomorrow.

    You can only re-enter ONCE. I would imagine that the re-entry facility lasts for, at the very max, the first 3 levels, after that, lose your chips & that's that. I cannot imagine many players will re-enter, as in most cases, it's severely -ev in my opinion.

    Dylan's explanation of the difference between a rebuy & a re-entry is spot on.

    As a matter of interest, "Re-Entries" are a fairly new innovation in the UK, & DTD have just started (from NEXT month) to make their Monthly £300 jobbie a re-entry. But in their case, there are 2 opening days (Friday & Saturday), & players who bust on Day 1a can re-enter on Day 1b. Confusing, or what? 

    B & M hosted Re-Entry Tourneys have been commonplace in Las Vegas for many years, though. 
  • dylan12dylan12 Member Posts: 2,343
    edited May 2011
    In Response to Re: Oi oi! You can qualify for the GUKPT Summer Series on Sky Poker now!:
    In Response to Re: Oi oi! You can qualify for the GUKPT Summer Series on Sky Poker now! : Thanks, but does that mean they can keep re entering up to end of registration, or are they restricted to the one time (although i realise that would be expensive) and usually in these how long would registration last (at what level)
    Posted by loonytoons
    Only 1 re entry opportunity per player. End of registration varies in each tournament but around Level 4 in most cases with this clock. 
  • MAXALLYMAXALLY Member Posts: 17,649
    edited May 2011
    Cheers Tikay and Dyl. Apart from the 1st one, I will have a go at the get yerself home to that bovril TK...and you just put that sheep down Dyl :))
  • BooniconBoonicon Member Posts: 130
    edited May 2011
    In Response to Re: Oi oi! You can qualify for the GUKPT Summer Series on Sky Poker now!:
    Amazing news, as I'd only just logged onto the Gs own poker skin to see when they were running their tournies!
    Posted by scotty77

    I guess this means that the summer series are not TSP events? Thank you sky for adding another £110 to my eventual buy in cost!
  • scotty77scotty77 Member Posts: 4,970
    edited May 2011
    In Response to Re: Oi oi! You can qualify for the GUKPT Summer Series on Sky Poker now!:
    In Response to Re: Oi oi! You can qualify for the GUKPT Summer Series on Sky Poker now! : I guess this means that the summer series are not TSP events? Thank you sky for adding another £110 to my eventual buy in cost!
    Posted by Boonicon
    the other members of TSP and I (is that correct TK)  pushed for Summer Seires/side events to be included and I think that Sky are looking into that.  Sky want TSP live events to be backed up by an update team/TK  making tea so I would assume that Brighton is too close to arrange all that.  Would love it if Brighton was an option tho for TSP!
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,099
    edited May 2011
    In Response to Re: Oi oi! You can qualify for the GUKPT Summer Series on Sky Poker now!:
    In Response to Re: Oi oi! You can qualify for the GUKPT Summer Series on Sky Poker now! : I guess this means that the summer series are not TSP events? Thank you sky for adding another £110 to my eventual buy in cost!
    Posted by Boonicon
    Ugh, please stop asking really good questions!

    We chewed the cud on this today, to be honest, & in fact, I'd say it was 60/40 in favour that they may well become on the TSP list. It's Mr Milner's call, but we chatted at length about it today, & I know he's giving it serious consideration.

    Sky Poker is at an awkward age & size, it's still growing rapidly, & things are changing so fast.

    When TSP was first mooted, the thinking was that there would be a Comms Supprt Team, a Live Update, maybe even a TV camera, at EVERY TSP Event.

    But if you think "is that scaleable?" (which is what Mr Page & Mr Brin at google did on Day one, & they did OK), imagine Sky Poker another year down the line. There might well be 10, or 15, TSP Members, who knows? And they may be wanting to play Events almost weekly, as the thing grows. How could we possibly give full comms support to such a schedule in a financially viable way?

    So the options MIGHT be, we either do not give Comms Support (by which I mean, Live Updates & all that stuff), OR we sub-contract it to someone - say, blonde, or SPT-RIch, for example, or, even better imo......

    ....we do it the "Community way". The what?

    By that, I mean we could get volunteers from our Community to go & do the Update. No money would be payable, or I don't think so, but exs would be covered, & they would get a freebie entry to, say, the Sky Roller or somesuch, & maybe some apparel - a Sky Poker hoodie, cap, da de da. In my personal view, that would be just terrific, & I think it would work very well. I may be wrong, of course, I usually am!

    So there it is. It's not been decided, not at all, but that's the thinking, or it was 4 hours ago!

    We shall see soon enough. Things are changing, & fast. Excxiting, 'innit?

    PS - On that "community" thing, this Saturday, at SPT Leeds, we have a Live Stream, as you know, & we've been working away at how best to make it zippy, zingy, & a bit different. It will be MUCH better than at Luton, for example, there will not be Stream "breaks" during Tourney breaks, for example. But we might just try an experiment, & get regular Sky Poker players to have a bash at commentating on the Live Stream for, say, 5, 15, or 30 minutes at a time. How cool would that be?

    The only problem is that they need to speak properly such that everyone can understand, so no Yorkshire folk will be allowed to commentate. Just saying, that's all.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,099
    edited May 2011
    In Response to Re: Oi oi! You can qualify for the GUKPT Summer Series on Sky Poker now!:
    In Response to Re: Oi oi! You can qualify for the GUKPT Summer Series on Sky Poker now! : the other members of TSP and I (is that correct TK)  pushed for Summer Seires/side events to be included and I think that Sky are looking into that.  Sky want TSP live events to be backed up by an update team/TK  making tea so I would assume that Brighton is too close to arrange all that.  Would love it if Brighton was an option tho for TSP!
    Posted by scotty77
    Correct, Mr Final Table Man, see my previous Post.

    Nothing has been decided as to Brighton yet, but I'll let you know if & when it is. To be honest, we've been working most of today on various Vegas related stuff. More news on that soon. ;)
  • dylan12dylan12 Member Posts: 2,343
    edited May 2011
    Having a Community based update would be very good ofc if people were willing to give of their time to help out BUT I am a great believer that a live update must have a greater balance than just chip counts etc to capture the imagination of the masses and imo there should be a leader within the updating pack...this for me is where a certain Mr Prew comes in, fantastic blogger and he would run a great update thread that would make you believe that you were there at that precise time. Needs a fine balance but is very much do able but would rely very much on the community and at times like this you will learn how strong a community sky actually has. 
  • hurst05hurst05 Member Posts: 1,567
    edited May 2011
    In Response to Re: Oi oi! You can qualify for the GUKPT Summer Series on Sky Poker now!:
    In Response to Re: Oi oi! You can qualify for the GUKPT Summer Series on Sky Poker now! :   The only problem is that they need to speak properly such that everyone can understand, so no Yorkshire folk will be allowed to commentate. Just saying, that's all.
    Posted by Tikay10

    But true.
  • MP33MP33 Member Posts: 6,308
    edited May 2011
    looking forwrad to having a go for one or two of these

    I like some of these new ideas, inparticularly the community covering some of the live updates. It makes a lot of sense when these touneys are so far spread out accross the country and I don,t think you would be short  of volunteers

    GL to everyone this weekend in Leeds

  • TommyDTommyD Member Posts: 4,389
    edited May 2011
    Out of interest what's the G in Dundee like?  Anyone know?
  • lozgolozgo Member Posts: 1,124
    edited May 2011
    never played live, but might try and sat in for southampton. only 12 mins from winchester by train. anyone know what the casino is like?
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,099
    edited May 2011
    In Response to Re: Oi oi! You can qualify for the GUKPT Summer Series on Sky Poker now!:
    Out of interest what's the G in Dundee like?  Anyone know?
    Posted by TommyD
    It's pretty much like any other G-Casino, Tommy, though the Staff seem to speak funny. The Card-Room Manager is an old friend of mine from many years ago, & he's a fine chap, loves his poker.

    Dundee is a cool place, & it's just across the Firth of Tay from St Andrews, the home of golf.

    As luck would have it - or not - I am rostered to do the TV Shows on both the Saturday & Sunday of that weekend, & I may also have to go to Madrid on business on the Friday, so I cannot attend, but I'd be there in a shot were it not for diary complications, as I think it'll be a splendid Event.

    I hope you give it a go, you'd enjoy it.
  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited May 2011

    Think sky are over-valuing the importance of "live updates".

    Yeh it's fun to have someone at the venue taking pictures and giving chip updates, but the live link thing keeps you up to date with all exits and stuff, and once you've seen one picture of a TSP guy in a blue hoody sat behind a wall of chips, you've seen them all.

    To not allow the TSP players to play, just because doing updates might be awkward would be weird. The updates r a bonus, far from the most important thing.

    What would be cheaper/easier more practical and probably more interesting, would be for each TSP member to write a quick 10 minute blog at the end of each days play, writing about their table, the ups and downs, key hands, plan for tomorrow etc etc etc. 

    No need to make mountains out of molehills - simplicity is genius! ;)

    Look forward to more live stream days like last Monday !!!

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,099
    edited May 2011
    In Response to Re: Oi oi! You can qualify for the GUKPT Summer Series on Sky Poker now!:
    never played live, but might try and sat in for southampton. only 12 mins from winchester by train. anyone know what the casino is like?
    Posted by lozgo
    It's quite a small Cardroom by national standards, but it has a lovely intimate atmosphere, & I've spent many happy hours down there, as has Thewy, who won a Tourney or two there back in the day. (He's such a luckbox).

    Even better, it is on West Quay Road, right by the docks, & you can see all the big ships, passenger & container, berthed right behind the Casino, & there is even a Container Park just along the way, which is well worth a visit.

    Just a 15 minute walk along the front, & you can jump a Red-Funnel ferry to the Isle of Wight, which is a bit of a bonus, too. It's a lovely trip across the Solent, to either West Cowes or East Cowes, as you prefer, & you can see all sorts. Do it!

    Here's the Ferry website......

    I will not be able to attend, I'm afraid, as I'll be in Vegas (how bad do I run?), but I am sure you'd enjoy the Southampton GUKPT. You might even win it......
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,099
    edited May 2011
    In Response to Re: Oi oi! You can qualify for the GUKPT Summer Series on Sky Poker now!:
    Think sky are over-valuing the importance of "live updates". Yeh it's fun to have someone at the venue taking pictures and giving chip updates, but the live link thing keeps you up to date with all exits and stuff, and once you've seen one picture of a TSP guy in a blue hoody sat behind a wall of chips, you've seen them all. To not allow the TSP players to play, just because doing updates might be awkward would be weird. The updates r a bonus, far from the most important thing. What would be cheaper/easier more practical and probably more interesting, would be for each TSP member to write a quick 10 minute blog at the end of each days play, writing about their table, the ups and downs, key hands, plan for tomorrow etc etc etc.  No need to make mountains out of molehills - simplicity is genius! ;) Look forward to more live stream days like last Monday !!!
    Posted by DOHHHHHHH
    Thanks for your input JJ, much of which makes absolute sense.

    As I explained yesterdsay, they are currently re-evaluating how to best "support" the TSP players, & what events they can or should play. It's a moving feast really, & nothing is set in  stone, but it's wise to take a step back & try to look at these things rationally every now & then, which is the current process.

    The Live Stream (Sunday, not Monday, surely?) - yes, it was interesting, & this Saturday, at SPT Leeds, we will be running our own version, doing it the Sky Poker way. Enjoy!

    PS - When are you going to come out & play some Live Poker? Even Hursty does it now, though to be fair, he's a better player than you. Or so he told me.....
  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited May 2011
    In Response to Re: Oi oi! You can qualify for the GUKPT Summer Series on Sky Poker now!:
    In Response to Re: Oi oi! You can qualify for the GUKPT Summer Series on Sky Poker now! : Thanks for your input JJ, much of which makes absolute sense. As I explained yesterdsay, they are currently re-evaluating how to best "support" the TSP players, & what events they can or should play. It's a moving feast really, & nothing is set in  stone, but it's wise to take a step back & try to look at these things rationally every now & then, which is the current process. The Live Stream (Sunday, not Monday, surely?) - yes, it was interesting, & this Saturday, at SPT Leeds, we will be running our own version, doing it the Sky Poker way. Enjoy! PS - When are you going to come out & play some Live Poker? Even Hursty does it now, though to be fair, he's a better player than you. Or so he told me.....
    Posted by Tikay10

    He has more money than me so I guess he must be right.

    The blog idea would be great if the players went into detail about some key hands. You never see the TSPers posting/commenting in the clinic on here, for obvious reasons. They're all pros and giving away reads n stuff on people who pay their wages would be pretty dumb, at least at a live event they wouldn't feel like they had to hold back in their analysis. 

    Give Don the mic on Sat ftw !
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited May 2011
    In Response to Re: Oi oi! You can qualify for the GUKPT Summer Series on Sky Poker now!:
    In Response to Re: Oi oi! You can qualify for the GUKPT Summer Series on Sky Poker now! : Lol! He has more money than me so I guess he must be right. The blog idea would be great if the players went into detail about some key hands. You never see the TSPers posting/commenting in the clinic on here, for obvious reasons. They're all pros and giving away reads n stuff on people who pay their wages would be pretty dumb, at least at a live event they wouldn't feel like they had to hold back in their analysis.  Give Don the mic on Sat ftw !
    Posted by DOHHHHHHH
    Since when did anyone understand me???

    Tikay having a look at some of these events and may have a pop at the Sheffield and Dundee legs.

    Although i think Dohhhh has a point, even if sky are unable to take live updates for an event a TSP'r wants to be at then surley a blog would be a good way of covering this. Sure as anything i wouldnt mind if it meant i could play in an event that i wanted to.

    I think what sky are doing is great, although i may suggest something which is more of a personal dream to Tikay on Saturday that might be interesting.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,099
    edited May 2011
    In Response to Re: Oi oi! You can qualify for the GUKPT Summer Series on Sky Poker now!:
    In Response to Re: Oi oi! You can qualify for the GUKPT Summer Series on Sky Poker now! : Lol! He has more money than me so I guess he must be right. The blog idea would be great if the players went into detail about some key hands. You never see the TSPers posting/commenting in the clinic on here, for obvious reasons. They're all pros and giving away reads n stuff on people who pay their wages would be pretty dumb, at least at a live event they wouldn't feel like they had to hold back in their analysis.  Give Don the mic on Sat ftw !
    Posted by DOHHHHHHH
    The TSP-ers are encouraged to Blog about their TSP "outings", but we can't force them to do it, ultimately it's up to them.

    For reasons I won't bore you with, but were very relevant, young Dylan sent me a beautiful write up about his GUKPT Walsall experience, where, basically, he explained all the key hands he played, how, & why. It was superb, but I cannot publish it without his permission. I've written to him to ask if he minds me publishing it, & if he does not object, I'll publish it in little segments on Sky Community, so that people can "interrogate" how & why he played each hand, & Dylan can explain & comment as he sees fit.

    Give Don the microphone on Saturday? I assume you never watched the Show when he was a DisasterMind contestant......but yes, if he wants a bash, I'll see if it can be sorted. It is not quite as easy as it may seem, I should warn him......
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