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The best section in the forum?

loonytoonsloonytoons Member Posts: 4,270
edited May 2011 in Poker Chat
Strangely over the last couple of months i've found myself more and more drawn to area 51. The shed used to be a great section but thats gone a bit stale lately. I reckon the best threads to read and laugh at the banter currently in the forum are here. Yes i know it can be full of whiners and whingers, but also its full of hilarious one liners, and great arguments for and against, the poker clinic it aint, but fun it is! Not all of the posters are crazy conspiracy theorist either, elsadog, a winner, dohhhhhh, a winner, djblack04...errrr :)), to name but a few. Im not interested in arguments about fixing on this thread, save that for area 51, but thats my case put forward for the best section on here at the moment, unless anyone can think of another? When voting can you please put forward a case as to why you voted for a particular section, so we know your thinking!


  • splashiessplashies Member Posts: 3,680
    edited May 2011
    Punter's Corner ftw!

    I rarely post in the clinic but love reading all the threads, so that's a close second.

    I haven't had my jabs to enter Area51 yet, so can't comment on that =P
  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited May 2011

    Area 51 is the most addictive.

    It doesn't matter how hard you try to stay away, someone will eventually say something so increadibly stupid that you just have to let the person know how much of a plonker they are.

    Clinic & punters corner are the best, but there are much better/busier versions of those sections elsewhere, so overall I'd also probably have to go with area 51 for comedy value, and origionality. It really is amazing how deluded some people are, and for some reason, that fascinates me!

    A51 FTW!
  • djblacke04djblacke04 Member Posts: 1,778
    edited May 2011
    In Response to Re: The best section in the forum?:
    Area 51 is the most addictive. It doesn't matter how hard you try to stay away, someone will eventually say something so increadibly stupid that you just have to let the person know how much of a plonker they are. Clinic & punters corner are the best, but there are much better/busier versions of those sections elsewhere, so overall I'd also probably have to go with area 51 for comedy value, and origionality. It really is amazing how deluded some people are, and for some reason, that fascinates me! A51 FTW!
    Posted by DOHHHHHHH
    and you do that quite a lot...

    you voted for area 51...cmon...

    i miss AJW...

  • YOUNG_GUNYOUNG_GUN Member Posts: 8,948
    edited May 2011
    I put general i guess that makes me boring

    close 2nd poker clinic altho i dont seem to read it properly so get owned, then punters corner

    Area 51 bottom i try not to go in there if im honest but occasionally stray and have a catch up
  • elsadogelsadog Member Posts: 5,677
    edited May 2011
    I voted for the clinic - elsa's clinic in area51 :o)

    I agree it's addictive and quite challenging sometimes - working out whose tongue is firmly in their cheek is not easy. The essential ingredient in area51 is that occasionally you get people posting who have views conflicting with the majority and despite all the logic offered refuse to see the writing on the wall. They pursue their agenda relentlessly and take every opportunity to stamp their view, often without realising the humour they treat everyone to in the process. 

    DOHHHHHHH ....... we of area51 salute you and thank you  :o
  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited May 2011
    Noooooo did I spell it wrong???

  • shazallinshazallin Member Posts: 558
    edited May 2011
    Punters corner ftw

    Dohhh could you pm me what other punters forum you use please

  • bandinibandini Member Posts: 1,802
    edited May 2011
    Voted The Clinic because it teaches me so much about how other people think about the game and makes me realise how little I know about it.

    Area 51 was a close second though. Fantastic mix of lunatics, comedians and serious debaters. Particularly love when Tikay gets drawn into it. I have this mental image of him with his head in his hands going, "Nooooo, how did I get drawn in again?"

    The Shed has indeed gotten a bit rubbish. Whatever happened to Miwagi? Did he get banned or has he moved to Thailand for reasons I dare not even contemplate? EmEgg is a miss from there too.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,099
    edited May 2011
    In Response to Re: The best section in the forum?:
    Voted The Clinic because it teaches me so much about how other people think about the game and makes me realise how little I know about it. Area 51 was a close second though. Fantastic mix of lunatics, comedians and serious debaters. Particularly love when Tikay gets drawn into it. I have this mental image of him with his head in his hands going, "Nooooo, how did I get drawn in again?" The Shed has indeed gotten a bit rubbish. Whatever happened to Miwagi? Did he get banned or has he moved to Thailand for reasons I dare not even contemplate? EmEgg is a miss from there too.
    Posted by bandini
    Honest to God, I'll never open that Section again, ever.

    I'd like to say I agree with every word of Dohhh's Post on this thread, but that would be somewhat off-message, so I won't...... 
  • Sky_DaveSky_Dave Member Posts: 3,288
    edited May 2011
    I'm voting General Poker Chat because it's where most of the competitions, banter and Tikay slandering happens. I'm a big fan of those.
  • tapewormtapeworm Member Posts: 432
    edited May 2011
    In Response to Re: The best section in the forum?:
    In Response to Re: The best section in the forum? : Honest to God, I'll never open that Section again, ever. I'd like to say I agree with every word of Dohhh's Post on this thread, but that would be somewhat off-message, so I won't......   
    Posted by Tikay10
    I just got in trouble from the boss for laughing like an idiot over this. Remembering that thread in A51 with you replying in it....... was sooooooo funny!!!

    On topic - Poker clinic rocks my world.
  • tapewormtapeworm Member Posts: 432
    edited May 2011
    My last post just made me think and i wish to change my answer. The best section of the site is the "Boss?? look busy" bit. Im sure he wonders why ive been working on the same graph for 2 years lol!!!
  • MAXALLYMAXALLY Member Posts: 17,649
    edited May 2011

    I believe that Sky Poker announcements section is the best section on here with its hourly up dates of any news/latest software up dates/and tournament results as they happen.*

    I also check this everyday to see when Tikay will eventually post on the 'boot camp' thread :))))

    * nah, its the Shed really...esp AL's BAR!!!!   (spamming ftw)
  • lucy4lucy4 Member Posts: 8,394
    edited May 2011
    The Shed used to be THE PLACE TO BE, but most of the contributors who made it that way have either gone AWOL or had their posting privileges withdrawn. was always guaranteed a laugh to liven up your day it used to be the first thing i went to each morning. So now it`s A51 although it`s not the Shed there are still some great posters in there, though whatever the OP`s are about it usually just descends into a personal slanging match and thread closures, come to think of it just like the original Shed ;-)
  • N1CKN1CK Member Posts: 1,453
    edited May 2011
    In Response to Re: The best section in the forum?:
     The Shed used to be first port of call, how-ever Sky sent in the Mod Police and started pushing people over, put a padlock on the door and thrown away the key. They are just sitting waiting to nab anyone for breaking and entering to jail then for life. You all know the missing players that were the Life Blood of the Shed and as yet only a few have come forward to regenerate it back to life. We need more Colourful Characters to talk about other things than Poker. The Shed was the place to unwind re-charge and get back out there.  Long Live the Shed.!   Hugs Annie x
    Posted by logdon
    maybe you stay in the shed like a good girl
  • N1CKN1CK Member Posts: 1,453
    edited May 2011
    i like
    Technical Queries
    you get a different clientele
  • leon621leon621 Member Posts: 266
    edited May 2011
    In Response to Re: The best section in the forum?:
    I'm voting General Poker Chat because it's where most of the competitions, banter and Tikay slandering happens. I'm a big fan of those.
    Posted by Sky_Dave
    +1 BBV close 2nd as its like someone has stired the clinic and area 51 in a couldron, son of a witch i lost another flip lol
  • JockBMWJockBMW Member Posts: 2,653
    edited May 2011
    Any section that has a post by me in it ;o)
  • Kiwini4uKiwini4u Member Posts: 3,830
    edited May 2011
    Any section that doesn't have a 5 & 1 in its title:)
  • elsadogelsadog Member Posts: 5,677
    edited May 2011
    In Response to Re: The best section in the forum?:
    Any section that doesn't have a 5 & 1 in its title:)
    Posted by Kiwini4u

    Does it scare you?

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