Flopping a set? Lovely. Probably better than sex. Ooooh. Ooooh. How much can I win here?
Final tabling? Love the rush that comes with it. Feel like a superstar every time I do it.
Sucking out? No double entendres here, behave Orford. I mean getting your money in behind and hitting the dream cards. Doesn't happen to me often but it's very amusing when I do.
Winning an MTT? Orgasmic. Totally convinced that Ivey's my next target any time I've done it.
Stacking someone on a cash table? Did it on here one night with a flush draw playing £1.5/£3. Playing about 1000% above my BR. Lovely. Again, Ivey and Dwan were in my sights.
Thoughts? Any others?
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hi bandini... i know, i know, i know.
was it the feeling you had earlier today when you called my all in pre-flop shove with your Q8 and you hit a flush on the river?
uh huh, i thought so.
... and went on to win the MTT.
ps well played.
Especially when the opponent is holding a good ace or premium pocket pair.
Mi apoligi
You were short, it was a bounty hunter, they were suited, your shoving range was wide, I was in the BB.
Loosish call to put it mildly but I'm not that ashamed of it.
But sorry :-)
As for 'better than sex', well, I suppose that depends. I can certainly think of a few scenarios where the sex might beat the MTT win in a HU match.
MTT for me it just puts a massive smile on my face all day
Getting a bj while your playing.
That's online not live.
Other players might find it slightly distracting.