i find slow playing a huge hand on sky ,tends to end in disaster .Not having a go at sky ,but just stating what ive experienced over the years ,playing on here . I am much more wiser to it now these days ,and tend to get away from my hand ,when im behind ,usually on the river . Flopping a set ,on a dry board ,is perfect for trapping ,but time and time again ,the turn ,makes the board really wet ,flush draw ,and str8 draw ,its funny how one card can change every thing ,and then the river,you just know they have got there . For me ,giving free cards is not a good thing to do ,no matter how far ahead you are, its got a nasty habit of catching up on you ,and biting you on your asss . I do tend to bet out these days ,my philosophy is "BET WHEN YOUR AHEAD ,REGARDLESS OF HOW STRONG YOU ARE " anyone one else agree ?
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Flopping a set with high......cards on board..... is the only time I'll slow play.....
.... Why the silly writing? Isn't it enough that Wales has a ridiculous language.....
Without confusing us with......s and italics?
Hand History #369419600 (22:12 07/05/2011)
Hand History #369588771 (13:41 08/05/2011)