Following on from another post on another thread where the question was asked about turning a regular profit from Poker. That question was specifically about HU S&G's but it got me thinking about other forms of the game and just how profitable even the profitable players are.
I play for fun. I have never held any thoughts of attempting to become professional at poker in any form. I just enjoy the game, the banter, the friendship and the opportunity to be mischievous around the forum. On the other thread I looked at what the actual hourly rate earned was of a well known and very successful player on Sky. I was a bit surprised by it and so I'm going to take a look at my stats with a view to ''what I earn'' from my hobby.
I only play mtt's and rarely play cash. I do OK at cash when I play it but it doesn't really hold much interest for me. Mtt's are where I get my poker fix and up to date I've done OK. These are mine and what they mean:
I've played 856 mtts on Sky and I show a profit of $10,763 or an ROI of 51% from those games. By the way this isn't a disguised brag thread - I'm quite capable of blatant brags, as anyone who sees my FB posts will know

) So. I show a good healthy profit from 856 games. That works out at $13 per game or mtt. Now I would estimate that my average lifespan in mtts is about 2 hours. I tend to either run deep or crash very early, and I think 2 hours is a reasonable average.
That means I earn $13 for two hours or about £4.50 an hour. As I mentioned in the other thread - My paper-boy earns more than that per hour!!! Ok so I'd definitely prefer to play poker than deliver newspapers but even so £4 an hour!!! Because I play for entertainment only I am quite comfortable with those figures, but if I was considering playing as a living I'd be a bit concerned as to the hours I would need to put in to make even a basic wage per month.
The point of the post is really for those who are maybe new to the game and considering taking up Poker as a means of income. Cash is another matter altogether and I don't have the experience or skills to comment on that. It would be interesting to see what results other players get from their stats - S&G, MTT or cash players.
Anyone fancy doing theirs?
There are a lot more "pro" cash players than there are MTT pro's. This is because of the variance and time commitments.
Cash obviously you can spin up money a lot quicker than you can in an MTT, although if you bink a decent MTT its more than you will ever make in a single cash session.
For professionals its all about making as much CONSISTENT profit as possible hence why they play cash.
I believe I have good MTT stats but like many players, cash is the bread and butter.
On Sky in MTT's i have played 1428 games with a profit of £9,741. which with your way of working it out is £6.80 (£3.40 an hour).
Not really a lot when you consider that's only 7 blinds at 50nl where I play.
Below are my SharkScope stats...
Games Av. Profit Av. Stake ROI Total profit
But for pro's you have to consider that they are multi-tabling tournies. So even if they are only playing 4 at a time. Their hourly rate is 4x greater.
but this is the one that bugs me my stars account i am miles from a loss on there but SharkScope says other wise
lol what about Moorman1's results what type of job would they reflect to lol