Hi All
Thanks to all the team for making me welcome at my first outing as part of team sky poker was great to meet everyone and put some names to faces jock bmw ,largearce and team tkp to name a few and of course TK and the lovely lisa.
As most of you already know I suffered the indignity of losing heads up to mr Orford in the real main event (lol) and did offer my resignation from the team and all forms of poker needless to say now on reflection with time to think about it I feel even worse and am now on life tilt so apologies to TK and the rest of the team for making their lives a misery for the next few years.
OK he did play well was a good heads up battle and the best hand won so congratulations Rich and look forward till the next one when I have no doubt we will again put the orange t-shirts in their rightful place on the rail lol
thanks again everyone and congratulations to the winner and all the final tablists in the main event
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Unacceptable, gixxwerk4, quite unacceptable.
You have bought shame on yourself, & on TSP.
Life Ban, please.
You do know how useless Orford is, right? And how he will be blathering on about this for years now?
PS - Nice to meet you. But I will never forgive you.
LOL well done and see you at GUKPT Luton Mr Gixxer!
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Feel the shame!
PS - Great to meet you.