Yeah tell me about it, they did make error put me straight into direct otherwise would have played last nights with you, lolraise & 1 other but saw it didnt run. Shame i thought i'd got away with it but they have now changed it ill be in tomorrow nights and hopefully it runs as busy both tonight and wednesday will prob set up thread on here to try boost numbers.
They have said will put me in tomorrows when it is up but im still registerd for tonights its like hitting my head against a brick wall! may just de-register what do you think??
wellthe £5 sat didnt go to well!! was going to buy into the £24, then saw scotty77 so now not sure. hot bath and a glass of wine to mull this one over me thinks!
sats ahven't run the last couple of days. pretty annoying as its such a great tournie and I might have to pay full price GRRRR
yeah i have done called them first didnt really know they just said call up if any probs tomorrow should be fun
Gl tonight if one actually goes ahead ill promote tomorrows :P
I swear any satelite ur in with me i have got through so good omen can you not play tomorrow nights